MCRcortex / voxy

An LoD rendering mod for minecraft
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Backface culling seeming to only be working in one direction. #15

Open yumio7 opened 3 months ago

yumio7 commented 3 months ago

Observing an issue where the backface culling only seems to be occurring properly when looking North-east, when looking south west its as if its still culling the north-east faces.

Unsure of what extra info to provide, if more info is needed just request and I'll get it for you.

yumio7 commented 3 months ago

Running a fresh install with only voxy and its dependencies does not seem to cause the issue to occur, I will investigate the mods in the modpack I'm using and see if i can find what's causing it.

yumio7 commented 3 months ago

After further investigation it seems that the compatability problem is with physics mod. Removing it from my active mod list solved the problem. I'm not well acquainted enough with minecraft rendering to know anything beyond that, I'll leave the issue open for a little while if anyone wants to try to chime in on how this could be solved (if possible).