MCRcortex / voxy

An LoD rendering mod for minecraft
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Colormap breaks for textures with custom name #53

Open JustAlittleWolf opened 2 weeks ago

JustAlittleWolf commented 2 weeks ago

When using a texture with a custom name, the colormap doesn't get applied on LOD chunks.


    "variants": {
        "snowy=false": {
            "model": "block/grass_block_issue"
        "snowy=true": {
            "model": "block/grass_block_noissue"



The snowy blocks (purple line in image) have their colormap applied fine in the LOD chunks, however the grass block texture with a custom name does not get it's colormap rendered properly.

The used texture pack with only the required files for the bug to happen is attached as well.

This might be what causes

JustAlittleWolf commented 2 weeks ago

Update: this only seems to happen when the texture has color itself, if you change the texture to be grayscale (like the grass textures that minecraft uses) this does not happen.

ebo2022 commented 1 week ago

I think either a similar problem or the same issue is happening with BetterEnd. Voxy doesn't seem to apply any coloration to the aurora crystals.

Can confirm this isn't a BetterEnd or BCLib-specific issue. I checked and BCLib just hooks into Fabric API's block color registry to register its color providers. Also, the block uses the regular blockstate/model system and no custom renderers or anything 2024-06-20_12 51 06 Vanilla chunks are on the left and Voxy LODs are on the right