MCRcortex / voxy

An LoD rendering mod for minecraft
98 stars 16 forks source link

No information about dependencies at Modrinth #54

Open Stefjinvu opened 2 weeks ago

Stefjinvu commented 2 weeks ago

I looked at the mod description on Modrinth and found no dependencies there. I downloaded and installed the mod, but found that I needed to additionally install Sodium, fabric-api and cloth-config.

Please add information about dependencies on the Description page of the mod, if this is not difficult for you.

Stefjinvu commented 2 weeks ago

I know that this information is on the page of a specific version of this mod. I ask you to add this information to the page with the description of the mod. Thanks for understanding. image

KaseyTheJackal commented 2 weeks ago

Voxy is really early in development, and anyone using it is already going to be using Cortex's other mod Nvidium, which requires the same mods, therefore it's kind of a moot point. It would be helpful, sure, but so would simply adding Nvidium as a dependency

MicrocontrollersDev commented 1 week ago

Voxy is really early in development, and anyone using it is already going to be using Cortex's other mod Nvidium, which requires the same mods, therefore it's kind of a moot point. It would be helpful, sure, but so would simply adding Nvidium as a dependency

Well, Nvidium requires having an Nvidia GPU which is not a requirement for Voxy, so I don't think this applies here.

Regardless this is only really an issue if you are using the official Minecraft launcher. If you decide to use that for modding over dedicated launchers that already all do this automatically, it's on you to check the dependencies. I'm not a fan of this since dependencies can change between mod and minecraft versions (and since voxy is still in early development it's more likely to change) and it can be confusing if they're all just listed in description compared to it being listed per version.