MCS-Lite / mcs-lite

šŸŽ› MCS Lite Common UI and Websites.
MIT License
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Dependency Dashboard #676

Open renovate[bot] opened 2 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
npm @storybook/addon-storyshots Unavailable
npm babel-eslint Available
npm codecov Unavailable
npm left-pad Unavailable
npm svgr Unavailable


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Detected dependencies

.circleci/config.yml - `node 9.11.1@sha256:e9311a4a7beacb1e655b459d1320931a87ccb69ece3bfa6444928c24173bb992`
package.json - `babel-eslint 8.2.3` - `codecov 3.0.2` - `danger 3.7.0` - `eslint 4.19.1` - `eslint-config-airbnb 16.1.0` - `eslint-config-prettier 2.9.0` - `eslint-plugin-flowtype 2.46.3` - `eslint-plugin-import 2.11.0` - `eslint-plugin-jest 21.15.1` - `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y 6.0.3` - `eslint-plugin-prettier 2.6.0` - `eslint-plugin-react 7.7.0` - `flow-bin 0.72.0` - `husky 0.14.3` - `lerna 2.10.2` - `lerna-changelog 0.7.0` - `license-checker 20.0.0` - `lint-staged 7.1.0` - `prettier 1.12.1`
packages/babel-preset-mcs-lite/package.json - `babel-plugin-add-module-exports ^0.2.1` - `babel-plugin-import ^1.7.0` - `babel-plugin-macros ^2.2.0` - `babel-plugin-recharts ^1.1.1` - `babel-plugin-styled-components ^1.5.1` - `babel-preset-env ^1.6.1` - `babel-preset-react-app ^3.1.1` - `babel-preset-stage-0 ^6.24.1` - `babel-core 6.26.3`
packages/eslint-config-mcs-lite/package.json - `babel-eslint ^8.0.0` - `eslint ^4.0.0` - `eslint-config-airbnb 16.1.0` - `eslint-config-prettier ^2.3.0` - `eslint-plugin-flowtype ^2.46.3` - `eslint-plugin-import ^2.7.0` - `eslint-plugin-jest ^21.0.0` - `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y ^6.0.0` - `eslint-plugin-prettier ^2.1.2` - `eslint-plugin-react ^7.1.0`
packages/mcs-lite-admin-web/package.json - `@cycle/http 14.9.0` - `@cycle/rxjs-run 8.0.0` - `@cycle/storage 5.0.3` - `@cycle/time 0.8.0` - `browser-locale 1.0.3` - `enzyme 3.3.0` - `enzyme-adapter-react-16 1.1.1` - `enzyme-to-json 3.3.3` - `flow-bin 0.72.0` - `history 3.3.0` - `polished 1.9.2` - `promise-file-reader 1.0.2` - `prop-types 15.6.1` - `raf 3.4.0` - `ramda 0.25.0` - `react 16.3.2` - `react-dom 16.3.2` - `react-helmet 5.2.0` - `react-intl 2.4.0` - `react-intl-po 2.2.2` - `react-loadable 5.3.1` - `react-motion-ui-pack 0.10.3` - `react-overlays 0.8.3` - `react-redux 5.0.7` - `react-router 3.2.0` - `react-router-redux 4.0.8` - `react-router-scroll 0.4.4` - `react-scripts 1.1.4` - `react-topbar-progress-indicator 2.0.0` - `react-virtualized 9.18.5` - `recompose 0.26.0` - `redux 3.7.2` - `redux-cycles 0.4.1` - `redux-freeze 0.1.5` - `redux-mock-store 1.5.1` - `rxjs 5.5.10` - `styled-components 3.2.6` - `uuid 3.2.1` - `validator 9.4.1`
packages/mcs-lite-connect/package.json - `recompose ^0.26.0` - `websocket ^1.0.25` - `babel-cli 6.26.0`
packages/mcs-lite-design/package.json - `svgo 1.0.5`
packages/mcs-lite-icon/package.json - `prop-types ^15.6.1` - `react ^15.0.0 || ^16.0.0`
packages/mcs-lite-introduction/package.json - `gitbook-cli 2.3.2`
packages/mcs-lite-landing-web/package.json - `browser-locale 1.0.3` - `enzyme 3.3.0` - `enzyme-adapter-react-16 1.1.1` - `enzyme-to-json 3.3.3` - `flow-bin 0.72.0` - `hedron 0.7.1` - `history 3.3.0` - `polished 1.9.2` - `prop-types 15.6.1` - `raf 3.4.0` - `raf-throttle 2.0.3` - `ramda 0.25.0` - `rc-scroll-anim 2.4.1` - `rc-tween-one 1.7.3` - `react 16.3.2` - `react-dom 16.3.2` - `react-helmet 5.2.0` - `react-intl 2.4.0` - `react-intl-po 2.2.2` - `react-loadable 5.3.1` - `react-progressive-bg-image 3.0.0` - `react-responsive 4.1.0` - `react-router 3.2.0` - `react-scripts 1.1.4` - `react-snap 1.12.2` - `recompose 0.26.0` - `styled-components 3.2.6`
packages/mcs-lite-mobile-web/package.json - `@cycle/http 14.9.0` - `@cycle/rxjs-run 8.0.0` - `@cycle/time 0.8.0` - `browser-locale 1.0.3` - `enzyme 3.3.0` - `enzyme-adapter-react-16 1.1.1` - `enzyme-to-json 3.3.3` - `flow-bin 0.72.0` - `history 3.3.0` - `polished 1.9.2` - `prop-types 15.6.1` - `raf 3.4.0` - `ramda 0.25.0` - `react 16.3.2` - `react-dom 16.3.2` - `react-helmet 5.2.0` - `react-intl 2.4.0` - `react-intl-po 2.2.2` - `react-loadable 5.3.1` - `react-motion-ui-pack 0.10.3` - `react-overlays 0.8.3` - `react-redux 5.0.7` - `react-router 3.2.0` - `react-router-redux 4.0.8` - `react-router-scroll 0.4.4` - `react-scripts 1.1.4` - `react-text-truncate 0.13.1` - `recompose 0.26.0` - `redux 3.7.2` - `redux-cycles 0.4.1` - `redux-freeze 0.1.5` - `redux-mock-store 1.5.1` - `rxjs 5.5.10` - `styled-components 3.2.6` - `uuid 3.2.1`
packages/mcs-lite-scripts/package.json - `babel-core ^6.26.0` - `cheerio ^1.0.0-rc.2` - `glob ^7.1.2` - `lodash.camelcase ^4.3.0` - `lodash.upperfirst ^4.3.1` - `ramda ^0.25.0` - `rxjs ^5.5.10` - `babel-cli 6.26.0`
packages/mcs-lite-theme/package.json - `d3-color ^1.0.3` - `babel-cli 6.26.0`
packages/mcs-lite-translation/package.json - `react-intl-po 2.2.2`
packages/mcs-lite-ui/package.json - `bowser ^1.9.3` - `copy-to-clipboard ^3.0.8` - `create-react-class ^15.6.3` - `date-fns ^1.29.0` - `dom-align ^1.6.7` - `flubber ^0.4.2` - `left-pad ^1.3.0` - `prop-types ^15.6.1` - `raf-throttle ^2.0.3` - `ramda ^0.25.0` - `react-cookie ^1.0.5` - `react-dnd-dropzone ^1.0.0` - `react-hammerjs ^0.5.0` - `react-motion ^0.5.2` - `react-motion-ui-pack ^0.10.3` - `react-overlay-pack ^2.0.0` - `react-overlays ^0.8.3` - `react-render-to-json ^0.0.6` - `react-svg-morph ^0.1.10` - `react-syntax-highlighter ^7.0.2` - `react-text-truncate ^0.13.1` - `react-virtualized ^9.18.5` - `react-waypoint ^8.0.1` - `recharts ^1.0.0-beta.10` - `recompose ^0.26.0` - `rxjs ^5.5.10` - `svgr.macro ^1.0.4` - `@storybook/addon-actions 3.4.5` - `@storybook/addon-info 3.4.5` - `@storybook/addon-options 3.4.5` - `@storybook/addon-storyshots 3.4.5` - `@storybook/react 3.4.5` - `babel-cli 6.26.0` - `enzyme 3.3.0` - `enzyme-adapter-react-16 1.1.1` - `enzyme-to-json 3.3.3` - `flow-bin 0.72.0` - `jest 20.0.4` - `jest-specific-snapshot 0.5.0` - `polished 1.9.2` - `raf 3.4.0` - `react 16.3.2` - `react-addons-test-utils 15.6.2` - `react-dom 16.3.2` - `react-test-renderer 16.3.2` - `styled-components 3.2.6` - `svgr 1.9.1` - `react ^15.0.0 || ^16.0.0` - `styled-components ^3.0.0`
packages/react-intl-inject-hoc/package.json - `recompose ^0.26.0` - `babel-cli 6.26.0` - `react ^15.0.0 || ^16.0.0` - `react-intl ^2.3.0`
.nvmrc - `node 9.11.1`
.travis.yml - `node 9.11.1`