MCSP-20-SDC-Team-3 / HopCamp

Clone of HipCamp
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Create video for components #33

Open CStewCodes opened 11 months ago

CStewCodes commented 11 months ago

Make a one-minute video on all the components you've built or worked on. Use the C.A.R. technique 👍🏼

Think of it like doing your 'piece' of the presentation which will be formatted like this:

Team and project introduction - one person, identifies team name with all team members, name of the project (Front End >Capstone) and an overview of the project. (I.E. "We've created a clone of the popular camping booking site 'HipCamp' and split >up the work by each component of the website. ... I'll hand it over to Will to start us off.")

Then you will create your own one-minute speech & video here: Draft speech outline--

Remember to keep your explanations concise and engaging within the one-minute timeframe. FOCUS ON THE MOST IMPACTFUL ASPECTS OF THE PROJECT and emphasize the value they bring.

CStewCodes commented 11 months ago

Send me a Google drive link of your video and I'll stitch the videos together