MCUdude / MightyCore

Arduino hardware package for ATmega1284, ATmega644, ATmega324, ATmega324PB, ATmega164, ATmega32, ATmega16 and ATmega8535
649 stars 182 forks source link

Arduino IDE 2.0 beta #215

Closed KevWal closed 1 year ago

KevWal commented 3 years ago


Would you consider adding live debugger support for MightyCore to Arduino IDE 2.0, or is that something you would see remaining only on Platform IO? Trying to decide what IDE I use for my upcoming 1284 project....

Thanks very much Kevin

MCUdude commented 3 years ago

That would be a really cool feature to have, but I haven't even gotten it to work on my mac. It takes about three minutes to open the new IDE, and even though I have lots of manually installed Arduino cores, none of them shows up.

But is there initial support for AVR debugging in the new IDE? I thought it was only for ARM chips...

KevWal commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply! They say:

As of today, the debugger supports all the Arduino boards based on the SAMD and Mbed platforms (MKR family, Nano 33 IoT, Nano 33 BLE, Portenta, Zero). Maintainers of Arduino cores for third-party boards can add support for debugging by adding the relevant configuration parameters; a technical guide for this is coming. You’ll need to connect a debugging probe such as the Segger J-link to the JTAG pins on the board and you’ll be ready to go.

The new IDE is based on the Eclipse Theia framework, which is an open source project based on the same architecture as VS Code (language server protocol, extensions, debugger). The front-end is written in TypeScript, while most of the backend is written in Golang.

per1234 commented 3 years ago

even though I have lots of manually installed Arduino cores, none of them shows up

They aren't supported yet:

But is there initial support for AVR debugging in the new IDE? I thought it was only for ARM chips...

There is some interesting discussion about it here:

This is the debugger: which says:

Debugging support for ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers with the following features:

but there was this interesting issue thread:

As for supporting other MCUs that are not Cortex-M based - I'm not really opposed to the idea. Looks like for use within the ecosystem you'd be interested in MSP430, Pic 32, and AVR

but I don't see any evidence of progress on that.

MCUdude commented 3 years ago

@per1234 I haven't followed the IDE 2.0 discussion on Github, but are there know issues related to the macOS port?

I tried to install the latest 2.0 beta on my Windows computer, and manually installed packages did show up and I was able to compile code with them. However, I was only able to select a board (e.g ATmega1284), not any of the other options like BOD level, bootloader/no bootloader, EEPROM retain etc.

However, on my mac it doesn't show any of the manually installed boards, and none on the boards manager boards either. The boards manager menu is also empty.

image image


``` 2021-05-10 15:00:07 Configuring to accept webviews on '^.+\.webview\..+$' hostname. 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root WARN please install @theia/electron@1.12.0-next.1a1d7afc as a runtime dependency 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root INFO Configuration directory URI: 'file:///Users/hans/.theia' 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root INFO Theia app listening on http://localhost:63784. 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/Users/hans/.arduinoIDE/plugins does not exist. 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/Users/hans/.arduinoIDE/extensions does not exist. 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/Users/hans/.arduinoProIDE/plugins does not exist. 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root INFO Resolved "cortex-debug" to a VS Code extension "cortex-debug@0.3.10" with engines: 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root INFO Resolved "vscode-arduino-tools" to a VS Code extension "vscode-arduino-tools@0.0.1-beta.1" with engines: 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root INFO Resolved "vscode-builtin-cpp" to a VS Code extension "cpp@1.52.1" with engines: 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root INFO Resolved "vscode-builtin-json" to a VS Code extension "json@1.46.1" with engines: 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root INFO Resolved "vscode-builtin-json-language-features" to a VS Code extension "json-language-features@1.46.1" with engines: 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root INFO Deploying backend plugin "cortex-debug@0.3.10" from "/private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/Arduino" 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root INFO Deploying backend plugin "vscode-arduino-tools@0.0.1-beta.1" from "/private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/Arduino" 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root INFO Deploying backend plugin "cpp@1.52.1" from "/private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/Arduino" 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root INFO Deploying backend plugin "json@1.46.1" from "/private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/Arduino" 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root INFO Deploying backend plugin "json-language-features@1.46.1" from "/private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/Arduino" 2021-05-10 15:00:07 root INFO Deploy plugins list took: 77.8 ms 2021-05-10 15:00:08 root WARN Backend ConfigServiceImpl.onStart is slow, took: 232.2 ms 2021-05-10 15:00:08 daemon INFO Starting daemon from /private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/Arduino 2021-05-10 15:00:08 daemon INFO Using config file: /Users/hans/.arduinoIDE/arduino-cli.yaml 2021-05-10 15:00:08 daemon INFO arduino-cli version 0.18.1 2021-05-10 15:00:08 daemon INFO Setting up Prometheus metrics on :9090/metrics 2021-05-10 15:00:08 daemon INFO Starting daemon on TCP address 2021-05-10 15:00:08 daemon INFO Daemon is now listening on 2021-05-10 15:00:08 daemon INFO Daemon is running. 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Checking signature [index: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/package_index.json, signaturefile: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/package_index.json.sig, trusted: true] 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Checking if CLI is Bundled into the IDE 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loading hardware from: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loading package DxCore from: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/DxCore/hardware 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loaded platform [platform: {ID:"DxCore:megaavr",Installed:"1.3.0",Latest:"1.3.0",Name:"DxCore"}] 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Checking existence of 'tools' path: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/DxCore/tools 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loading tools from dir: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/DxCore/tools 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-azduino3] 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loading package MegaCoreX from: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/MegaCoreX/hardware 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loading package arduino from: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loaded platform [platform: {ID:"arduino:megaavr",Installed:"1.8.6",Latest:"1.8.7",Name:"Arduino megaAVR Boards"}] 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Checking existence of 'tools' path: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/tools 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loading tools from dir: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/tools 2021-05-10 15:00:11 root INFO Git askpass helper is listening on 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 1.3.0 Systems: [OS: i686-linux-gnu, OS: x86_64-linux-gnu, OS: arm-linux-gnueabihf, OS: aarch64-linux-gnu, OS: i386-apple-darwin11, OS: i686-mingw32]] 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino5 Systems: [OS: arm-linux-gnueabihf, OS: aarch64-linux-gnu, OS: x86_64-apple-darwin14, OS: i686-mingw32, OS: i686-linux-gnu, OS: x86_64-linux-gnu]] 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 6.3.0-arduino17 Systems: [OS: arm-linux-gnueabihf, OS: aarch64-linux-gnu, OS: x86_64-apple-darwin12, OS: x86_64-linux-gnu, OS: i686-linux-gnu, OS: i686-mingw32]] 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 6.3.0-arduino18 Systems: [OS: arm-linux-gnueabihf, OS: aarch64-linux-gnu, OS: x86_64-apple-darwin12, OS: x86_64-linux-gnu, OS: i686-mingw32]] 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loading package megaTinyCore from: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/megaTinyCore 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Checking existence of 'tools' path: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/megaTinyCore/tools 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loading tools from dir: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/megaTinyCore/tools 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 3.7.2-post1] 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loading hardware from: /Users/hans/Documents/Arduino/hardware 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loading package ATTinyCore from: /Users/hans/Documents/Arduino/hardware/ATTinyCore 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loaded platform [platform: {ID:"ATTinyCore:avr",Installed:"1.4.1",Latest:"1.4.1",Name:"ATTinyCore"}] 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loading package ArduinoCore-avr from: /Users/hans/Documents/Arduino/hardware/ArduinoCore-avr 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loaded platform [platform: {ID:"ArduinoCore-avr:avr",Installed:"1.6.9-mt1",Latest:"1.6.9-mt1",Name:"MattairTech AVR Boards"}] 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loading package ButterflyCore from: /Users/hans/Documents/Arduino/hardware/ButterflyCore 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loaded platform [platform: {ID:"ButterflyCore:avr",Installed:"1.0.0",Latest:"1.0.0",Name:"ButterflyCore"}] 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Loading package DxCore from: /Users/hans/Documents/Arduino/hardware/DxCore 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO panic: no major version found 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO goroutine 36 [running]: 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO /go/pkg/mod/ 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO*PackageManager).loadPlatforms(0xc0000c6980, 0xc000223d00, 0xc00168b850, 0x6, 0xc0000a9910) 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO /home/build/arduino/cores/packagemanager/loader.go:175 +0x17ec 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO*PackageManager).LoadHardwareFromDirectory(0xc0000c6980, 0xc00168b780, 0x0, 0x0) 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO /home/build/arduino/cores/packagemanager/loader.go:120 +0x501 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO*PackageManager).LoadHardwareFromDirectories(0xc0000c6980, 0xc00168b790, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0) 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO /home/build/arduino/cores/packagemanager/loader.go:45 +0x68 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO*PackageManager).LoadHardware(0xc0000c6980, 0xc000222580, 0x0) 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO /home/build/arduino/cores/packagemanager/loader.go:34 +0x3f 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO, 0xc000198480, 0xc000198400, 0xc001645bc8, 0x400e6f6, 0xc000099bb0) 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO /home/build/commands/instances.go:713 +0x845 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO, 0xc000198480, 0xc0001984b0, 0xc000433bc8, 0xc000433be0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x4c56955) 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO /home/build/commands/instances.go:135 +0x55 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO*ArduinoCoreServerImpl).Init(0xc001614590, 0xc0001984b0, 0x4e0b500, 0xc000099bb0, 0xc001614590, 0x20) 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO /home/build/commands/daemon/daemon.go:182 +0xcf 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO, 0xc001614590, 0x4e088c0, 0xc0001e6000, 0x55c7d70, 0xc0001e2000) 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO /home/build/rpc/cc/arduino/cli/commands/v1/commands.pb.go:3302 +0x109 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO*Server).processStreamingRPC(0xc000083500, 0x4e0d9c0, 0xc000600480, 0xc0001e2000, 0xc0015ffad0, 0x558c360, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO /go/pkg/mod/ +0xcd3 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO*Server).handleStream(0xc000083500, 0x4e0d9c0, 0xc000600480, 0xc0001e2000, 0x0) 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO /go/pkg/mod/ +0xcd8 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO*Server).serveStreams.func1.1(0xc0015b4650, 0xc000083500, 0x4e0d9c0, 0xc000600480, 0xc0001e2000) 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO /go/pkg/mod/ +0xa1 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO created by*Server).serveStreams.func1 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO /go/pkg/mod/ +0xa1 2021-05-10 15:00:11 daemon INFO Daemon exited with exit code: 2. 2021-05-10 15:00:11 root ERROR Could not create client for gRPC. 2021-05-10 15:00:11 root ERROR Uncaught Exception: 2021-05-10 15:00:11 root ERROR Error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped at Object.callErrorFromStatus (/private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/Arduino at Object.onReceiveStatus (/private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/Arduino at Object.onReceiveStatus (/private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/Arduino at /private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/Arduino at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:76:11) 2021-05-10 15:00:11 root INFO Using Git [2.30.0] from the PATH. (/usr/local/bin/git) 2021-05-10 15:00:11 root ERROR Request searchBoards failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:00:11 root WARN Frontend CommonFrontendContribution.configure is slow, took: 268.1 ms 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/body-parser 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/cookie 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/express 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/fs-extra 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/lodash.debounce 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/lodash.throttle 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/react 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/react-dom 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/react-virtualized 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/route-parser 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/safer-buffer 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/ws 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/yargs 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/monaco 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/editor 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/rimraf 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/tar-fs 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/uuid 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/navigator 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/p-queue 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/preferences 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/electron 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/keymaps 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/messages 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/diff 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/dompurify 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/mime 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/request 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/dateformat 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/deepmerge 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/glob 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/google-protobuf 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/js-yaml 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/ncp 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/ps-tree 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/react-select 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/react-tabs 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/sinon 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/temp 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/which 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: js-yaml 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Failed to resolve module: temp 2021-05-10 15:00:12 root WARN Frontend keybindings.onStart is slow, took: 159.1 ms 2021-05-10 15:00:16 root ERROR Request createNewSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:00:16 root FATAL Failed to determine the sketch directory: Error: Request createNewSketch failed with message: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:00:16 root WARN Frontend EditorNavigationContribution.onStart is slow, took: 4407.7 ms 2021-05-10 15:00:16 root ERROR Request installed failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:00:16 root ERROR Request list failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:00:16 root ERROR Request searchBoards failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:00:16 root INFO Changed application state from 'init' to 'started_contributions'. 2021-05-10 15:00:16 root INFO Checking whether '--no-optional-locks' can be used with the current Git executable. Minimum required version is '2.15.0'. 2021-05-10 15:00:16 root INFO '--no-optional-locks' is a valid Git option for the current Git version: '2.30.0'. 2021-05-10 15:00:17 root INFO [7941ab15-a0f2-4410-86af-3f24fa6646e4] Sync of 5 plugins took: 661.7 ms 2021-05-10 15:00:17 root INFO [hosted-plugin: 91690] PLUGIN_HOST(91690) starting instance 2021-05-10 15:02:08 root INFO Changed application state from 'started_contributions' to 'attached_shell'. 2021-05-10 15:02:08 root INFO >>> Restoring the layout state... 2021-05-10 15:02:08 root INFO <<< The layout has been successfully restored. 2021-05-10 15:02:08 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO Changed application state from 'attached_shell' to 'initialized_layout'. 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [7941ab15-a0f2-4410-86af-3f24fa6646e4][marus25.cortex-debug]: Loaded contributions. 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [7941ab15-a0f2-4410-86af-3f24fa6646e4][arduino.vscode-arduino-tools]: Loaded contributions. 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [7941ab15-a0f2-4410-86af-3f24fa6646e4][vscode.cpp]: Loaded contributions. 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [7941ab15-a0f2-4410-86af-3f24fa6646e4][vscode.json]: Loaded contributions. 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [7941ab15-a0f2-4410-86af-3f24fa6646e4][vscode.json-language-features]: Loaded contributions. 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [7941ab15-a0f2-4410-86af-3f24fa6646e4] Load contributions of 5 plugins took: 61.1 ms 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root WARN 'cpp' language is remapped from 'source.cpp.embedded.macro' to 'source.cpp' scope 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root WARN a registered grammar configuration for 'cpp' language is overridden 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root ERROR Error: Request 'loadSketch' failed at Proxy. (file:///private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/ at ArduinoFrontendContribution. (file:///private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/ at step (file:///private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/ at (file:///private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/ at file:///private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/ at new Promise () at push../node_modules/arduino-ide-extension/lib/browser/arduino-frontend-contribution.js.__awaiter (file:///private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/ at ArduinoFrontendContribution.push../node_modules/arduino-ide-extension/lib/browser/arduino-frontend-contribution.js.ArduinoFrontendContribution.openSketchFiles (file:///private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/ at ArduinoFrontendContribution. (file:///private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/ at step (file:///private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/ 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root ERROR Request search failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root ERROR Request search failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [hosted-plugin: 91690] PLUGIN_HOST(91690): PluginManagerExtImpl/init() 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [hosted-plugin: 91690] PLUGIN_HOST(91690): initializing(cortex-debug@0.3.10 with /private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/Arduino 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [hosted-plugin: 91690] Debugger contribution has been registered: cortex-debug 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [hosted-plugin: 91690] PLUGIN_HOST(91690): initializing(vscode-arduino-tools@0.0.1-beta.1 with /private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/Arduino 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [hosted-plugin: 91690] PLUGIN_HOST(91690): initializing(cpp@1.52.1 with /private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/Arduino 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [hosted-plugin: 91690] PLUGIN_HOST(91690): initializing(json@1.46.1 with /private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/Arduino 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [hosted-plugin: 91690] PLUGIN_HOST(91690): initializing(json-language-features@1.46.1 with /private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/Arduino 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [hosted-plugin: 91690] PLUGIN_HOST(91690): PluginManagerExtImpl/loadPlugin(/private/var/folders/6l/ypg6qbw172v1s4vtt6g990tw0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F165FFE8-8B60-4915-8EFE-0D623F8A68E8/d/Arduino 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [7941ab15-a0f2-4410-86af-3f24fa6646e4][marus25.cortex-debug]: Started plugin. 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [7941ab15-a0f2-4410-86af-3f24fa6646e4][arduino.vscode-arduino-tools]: Started plugin. 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [7941ab15-a0f2-4410-86af-3f24fa6646e4][vscode.cpp]: Started plugin. 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [7941ab15-a0f2-4410-86af-3f24fa6646e4][vscode.json]: Started plugin. 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [7941ab15-a0f2-4410-86af-3f24fa6646e4][vscode.json-language-features]: Started plugin. 2021-05-10 15:02:09 root INFO [7941ab15-a0f2-4410-86af-3f24fa6646e4] Start of 5 plugins took: 811.5 ms 2021-05-10 15:02:10 root INFO Changed application state from 'initialized_layout' to 'ready'. 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:42 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:04:43 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:05:54 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:06:25 root ERROR Request search failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:08:21 monitor-service INFO >>> Disposing monitor service... 2021-05-10 15:08:21 monitor-service INFO <<< Disposed monitor service. 2021-05-10 15:23:48 Configuring to accept webviews on '^.+\.webview\..+$' hostname. 2021-05-10 15:23:48 root WARN please install @theia/electron@1.12.0-next.1a1d7afc as a runtime dependency 2021-05-10 15:23:48 root INFO Configuration directory URI: 'file:///Users/hans/.theia' 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root INFO Theia app listening on http://localhost:63949. 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/Users/hans/.arduinoIDE/plugins does not exist. 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/Users/hans/.arduinoIDE/extensions does not exist. 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/Users/hans/.arduinoProIDE/plugins does not exist. 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root INFO Resolved "cortex-debug" to a VS Code extension "cortex-debug@0.3.10" with engines: 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root INFO Resolved "vscode-arduino-tools" to a VS Code extension "vscode-arduino-tools@0.0.1-beta.1" with engines: 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root INFO Resolved "vscode-builtin-cpp" to a VS Code extension "cpp@1.52.1" with engines: 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root INFO Resolved "vscode-builtin-json" to a VS Code extension "json@1.46.1" with engines: 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root INFO Resolved "vscode-builtin-json-language-features" to a VS Code extension "json-language-features@1.46.1" with engines: 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root INFO Deploying backend plugin "cortex-debug@0.3.10" from "/Applications/Arduino" 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root INFO Deploying backend plugin "vscode-arduino-tools@0.0.1-beta.1" from "/Applications/Arduino" 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root INFO Deploying backend plugin "cpp@1.52.1" from "/Applications/Arduino" 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root INFO Deploying backend plugin "json@1.46.1" from "/Applications/Arduino" 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root INFO Deploying backend plugin "json-language-features@1.46.1" from "/Applications/Arduino" 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root INFO Deploy plugins list took: 64.6 ms 2021-05-10 15:23:49 root WARN Backend ConfigServiceImpl.onStart is slow, took: 250.7 ms 2021-05-10 15:23:49 daemon INFO Starting daemon from /Applications/Arduino 2021-05-10 15:23:49 daemon INFO Using config file: /Users/hans/.arduinoIDE/arduino-cli.yaml 2021-05-10 15:23:49 daemon INFO arduino-cli version 0.18.1 2021-05-10 15:23:49 daemon INFO Setting up Prometheus metrics on :9090/metrics 2021-05-10 15:23:49 daemon INFO Starting daemon on TCP address 2021-05-10 15:23:49 daemon INFO Daemon is now listening on 2021-05-10 15:23:49 daemon INFO Daemon is running. 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Checking signature [index: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/package_index.json, signaturefile: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/package_index.json.sig, trusted: true] 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Checking if CLI is Bundled into the IDE 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loading hardware from: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loading package DxCore from: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/DxCore/hardware 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loaded platform [platform: {ID:"DxCore:megaavr",Installed:"1.3.0",Latest:"1.3.0",Name:"DxCore"}] 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Checking existence of 'tools' path: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/DxCore/tools 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loading tools from dir: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/DxCore/tools 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-azduino3] 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loading package MegaCoreX from: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/MegaCoreX/hardware 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loading package arduino from: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loaded platform [platform: {ID:"arduino:megaavr",Installed:"1.8.6",Latest:"1.8.7",Name:"Arduino megaAVR Boards"}] 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Checking existence of 'tools' path: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/tools 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loading tools from dir: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/tools 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 1.3.0 Systems: [OS: i686-linux-gnu, OS: x86_64-linux-gnu, OS: arm-linux-gnueabihf, OS: aarch64-linux-gnu, OS: i386-apple-darwin11, OS: i686-mingw32]] 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino5 Systems: [OS: arm-linux-gnueabihf, OS: aarch64-linux-gnu, OS: x86_64-apple-darwin14, OS: i686-mingw32, OS: i686-linux-gnu, OS: x86_64-linux-gnu]] 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 6.3.0-arduino17 Systems: [OS: arm-linux-gnueabihf, OS: aarch64-linux-gnu, OS: x86_64-apple-darwin12, OS: x86_64-linux-gnu, OS: i686-linux-gnu, OS: i686-mingw32]] 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 6.3.0-arduino18 Systems: [OS: arm-linux-gnueabihf, OS: aarch64-linux-gnu, OS: x86_64-apple-darwin12, OS: x86_64-linux-gnu, OS: i686-mingw32]] 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loading package megaTinyCore from: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/megaTinyCore 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Checking existence of 'tools' path: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/megaTinyCore/tools 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loading tools from dir: /Users/hans/Library/Arduino15/packages/megaTinyCore/tools 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loaded tool [tool: Version: 3.7.2-post1] 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loading hardware from: /Users/hans/Documents/Arduino/hardware 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loading package ATTinyCore from: /Users/hans/Documents/Arduino/hardware/ATTinyCore 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loaded platform [platform: {ID:"ATTinyCore:avr",Installed:"1.4.1",Latest:"1.4.1",Name:"ATTinyCore"}] 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loading package ArduinoCore-avr from: /Users/hans/Documents/Arduino/hardware/ArduinoCore-avr 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loaded platform [platform: {ID:"ArduinoCore-avr:avr",Installed:"1.6.9-mt1",Latest:"1.6.9-mt1",Name:"MattairTech AVR Boards"}] 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loading package ButterflyCore from: /Users/hans/Documents/Arduino/hardware/ButterflyCore 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loaded platform [platform: {ID:"ButterflyCore:avr",Installed:"1.0.0",Latest:"1.0.0",Name:"ButterflyCore"}] 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Loading package DxCore from: /Users/hans/Documents/Arduino/hardware/DxCore 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root INFO Git askpass helper is listening on 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO panic: no major version found 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO goroutine 25 [running]: 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO /go/pkg/mod/ 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO*PackageManager).loadPlatforms(0xc0001b2a40, 0xc00160fa80, 0xc001615010, 0x6, 0xc000193750) 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO /home/build/arduino/cores/packagemanager/loader.go:175 +0x17ec 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO*PackageManager).LoadHardwareFromDirectory(0xc0001b2a40, 0xc000235c70, 0x0, 0x0) 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO /home/build/arduino/cores/packagemanager/loader.go:120 +0x501 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO*PackageManager).LoadHardwareFromDirectories(0xc0001b2a40, 0xc000235c80, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0) 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO /home/build/arduino/cores/packagemanager/loader.go:45 +0x68 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO*PackageManager).LoadHardware(0xc0001b2a40, 0xc00160e780, 0x0) 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO /home/build/arduino/cores/packagemanager/loader.go:34 +0x3f 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO, 0xc000185f80, 0xc000185f00, 0xc00162dbc8, 0x400e6f6, 0xc0016418c0) 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO /home/build/commands/instances.go:713 +0x845 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO, 0xc000185f80, 0xc000185fb0, 0xc00162dbc8, 0xc00162dbe0, 0x49fe001, 0x4b12760, 0x10) 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO /home/build/commands/instances.go:135 +0x55 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO*ArduinoCoreServerImpl).Init(0xc001614ec0, 0xc000185fb0, 0x4e0b500, 0xc0016418c0, 0xc001614ec0, 0x20) 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO /home/build/commands/daemon/daemon.go:182 +0xcf 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO, 0xc001614ec0, 0x4e088c0, 0xc0014c4240, 0x55c7d70, 0xc001646000) 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO /home/build/rpc/cc/arduino/cli/commands/v1/commands.pb.go:3302 +0x109 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO*Server).processStreamingRPC(0xc00008a900, 0x4e0d9c0, 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO 0xc000001800, 0xc001646000, 0xc0015b9800, 0x558c360, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO /go/pkg/mod/ +0xcd3 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO*Server).handleStream(0xc00008a900, 0x4e0d9c0, 0xc000001800, 0xc001646000, 0x0) 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO /go/pkg/mod/ +0xcd8 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO*Server).serveStreams.func1.1(0xc00018e030, 0xc00008a900, 0x4e0d9c0, 0xc000001800, 0xc001646000) 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO /go/pkg/mod/ +0xa1 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO created by*Server).serveStreams.func1 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO /go/pkg/mod/ +0xa1 2021-05-10 15:23:52 daemon INFO Daemon exited with exit code: 2. 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root ERROR Could not create client for gRPC. 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root ERROR Uncaught Exception: 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root ERROR Error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped at Object.callErrorFromStatus (/Applications/Arduino at Object.onReceiveStatus (/Applications/Arduino at Object.onReceiveStatus (/Applications/Arduino at /Applications/Arduino at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:76:11) 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root INFO Using Git [2.30.0] from the PATH. (/usr/local/bin/git) 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root ERROR Request searchBoards failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Frontend CommonFrontendContribution.configure is slow, took: 280.4 ms 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/body-parser 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/cookie 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/express 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/fs-extra 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/lodash.debounce 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/lodash.throttle 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/react 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/react-dom 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/react-virtualized 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/route-parser 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/safer-buffer 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/ws 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/yargs 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/monaco 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/editor 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/rimraf 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/tar-fs 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/uuid 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/navigator 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/p-queue 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/preferences 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/electron 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/keymaps 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @theia/messages 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/diff 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/dompurify 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/mime 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/request 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/dateformat 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/deepmerge 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/glob 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/google-protobuf 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/js-yaml 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/ncp 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/ps-tree 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/react-select 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/react-tabs 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/sinon 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/temp 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: @types/which 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: js-yaml 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Failed to resolve module: temp 2021-05-10 15:23:52 root WARN Frontend keybindings.onStart is slow, took: 155.7 ms 2021-05-10 15:23:55 root ERROR Request createNewSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:23:55 root FATAL Failed to determine the sketch directory: Error: Request createNewSketch failed with message: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:23:55 root WARN Frontend EditorNavigationContribution.onStart is slow, took: 3184.6 ms 2021-05-10 15:23:56 root ERROR Request installed failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:23:56 root ERROR Request list failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:23:56 root ERROR Request searchBoards failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:23:56 root INFO Changed application state from 'init' to 'started_contributions'. 2021-05-10 15:23:56 root INFO Changed application state from 'started_contributions' to 'attached_shell'. 2021-05-10 15:23:56 root INFO >>> Restoring the layout state... 2021-05-10 15:23:56 root INFO Checking whether '--no-optional-locks' can be used with the current Git executable. Minimum required version is '2.15.0'. 2021-05-10 15:23:56 root INFO '--no-optional-locks' is a valid Git option for the current Git version: '2.30.0'. 2021-05-10 15:23:56 root INFO <<< The layout has been successfully restored. 2021-05-10 15:23:57 root ERROR Request search failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:23:57 root ERROR Request search failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:23:57 root INFO [e801c112-194d-442f-8a7a-70db5f5b3412] Sync of 5 plugins took: 1120.5 ms 2021-05-10 15:23:57 root ERROR Request loadSketch failed with error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connection dropped 2021-05-10 15:23:57 root INFO [hosted-plugin: 92141] PLUGIN_HOST(92141) starting instance 2021-05-10 15:23:57 root INFO Changed application state from 'attached_shell' to 'initialized_layout'. 2021-05-10 15:23:57 root INFO [e801c112-194d-442f-8a7a-70db5f5b3412][marus25.cortex-debug]: Loaded contributions. 2021-05-10 15:23:57 root INFO [e801c112-194d-442f-8a7a-70db5f5b3412][arduino.vscode-arduino-tools]: Loaded contributions. 2021-05-10 15:23:57 root INFO [e801c112-194d-442f-8a7a-70db5f5b3412][vscode.cpp]: Loaded contributions. 2021-05-10 15:23:57 root INFO [e801c112-194d-442f-8a7a-70db5f5b3412][vscode.json]: Loaded contributions. 2021-05-10 15:23:57 root INFO [e801c112-194d-442f-8a7a-70db5f5b3412][vscode.json-language-features]: Loaded contributions. 2021-05-10 15:23:57 root INFO [e801c112-194d-442f-8a7a-70db5f5b3412] Load contributions of 5 plugins took: 98.5 ms 2021-05-10 15:23:57 root WARN Frontend PluginViewRegistry.onDidInitializeLayout is slow, took: 123.2 ms 2021-05-10 15:23:57 root WARN 'cpp' language is remapped from 'source.cpp.embedded.macro' to 'source.cpp' scope 2021-05-10 15:23:57 root WARN a registered grammar configuration for 'cpp' language is overridden 2021-05-10 15:23:57 root ERROR Error: Request 'loadSketch' failed at Proxy. (file:///Applications/ at ArduinoFrontendContribution. (file:///Applications/ at step (file:///Applications/ at (file:///Applications/ at file:///Applications/ at new Promise () at push../node_modules/arduino-ide-extension/lib/browser/arduino-frontend-contribution.js.__awaiter (file:///Applications/ at ArduinoFrontendContribution.push../node_modules/arduino-ide-extension/lib/browser/arduino-frontend-contribution.js.ArduinoFrontendContribution.openSketchFiles (file:///Applications/ at ArduinoFrontendContribution. (file:///Applications/ at step (file:///Applications/ 2021-05-10 15:23:58 root INFO Changed application state from 'initialized_layout' to 'ready'. 2021-05-10 15:23:58 root INFO [hosted-plugin: 92141] PLUGIN_HOST(92141): PluginManagerExtImpl/init() 2021-05-10 15:23:58 root INFO [hosted-plugin: 92141] PLUGIN_HOST(92141): initializing(cortex-debug@0.3.10 with /Applications/Arduino 2021-05-10 15:23:58 root INFO [hosted-plugin: 92141] Debugger contribution has been registered: cortex-debug 2021-05-10 15:23:58 root INFO [hosted-plugin: 92141] PLUGIN_HOST(92141): initializing(vscode-arduino-tools@0.0.1-beta.1 with /Applications/Arduino PLUGIN_HOST(92141): initializing(cpp@1.52.1 with /Applications/Arduino PLUGIN_HOST(92141): initializing(json@1.46.1 with /Applications/Arduino PLUGIN_HOST(92141): initializing(json-language-features@1.46.1 with /Applications/Arduino 2021-05-10 15:23:58 root INFO [hosted-plugin: 92141] PLUGIN_HOST(92141): PluginManagerExtImpl/loadPlugin(/Applications/Arduino 2021-05-10 15:23:58 root INFO [e801c112-194d-442f-8a7a-70db5f5b3412][marus25.cortex-debug]: Started plugin. 2021-05-10 15:23:58 root INFO [e801c112-194d-442f-8a7a-70db5f5b3412][arduino.vscode-arduino-tools]: Started plugin. 2021-05-10 15:23:58 root INFO [e801c112-194d-442f-8a7a-70db5f5b3412][vscode.cpp]: Started plugin. 2021-05-10 15:23:58 root INFO [e801c112-194d-442f-8a7a-70db5f5b3412][vscode.json]: Started plugin. 2021-05-10 15:23:58 root INFO [e801c112-194d-442f-8a7a-70db5f5b3412][vscode.json-language-features]: Started plugin. 2021-05-10 15:23:58 root INFO [e801c112-194d-442f-8a7a-70db5f5b3412] Start of 5 plugins took: 1228.7 ms ```
per1234 commented 3 years ago

Thanks @MCUdude. I investigated the issue and submitted a report to the developers.

When a platform is installed to {directories.user}/hardware without a version folder, Arduino CLI uses the platform.txt version property to identify the platform's version.

We are accustomed to be able to use previously defined properties within property definitions in the platform configuration files, and having those properties be expanded. However, this is not currently supported by Arduino CLI for the version field, which causes a panic when this is done due to the version not being parsable according to "relaxed semver".

You can see that DxCore does this:


$ git clone --depth 1 -b 1.3.4 ~/Arduino/hardware/DxCore-dev
$ arduino-cli core list
panic: no major version found

goroutine 1 [running]:
        /go/pkg/mod/*PackageManager).loadPlatforms(0xc0000c79c0, 0xc000859080, 0xc000b1e720, 0xa, 0xc0009a5dc8)
        /home/build/arduino/cores/packagemanager/loader.go:175 +0x17f3*PackageManager).LoadHardwareFromDirectory(0xc0000c79c0, 0xc000a8c4a0, 0x0, 0x0)
        /home/build/arduino/cores/packagemanager/loader.go:120 +0x56c*PackageManager).LoadHardwareFromDirectories(0xc0000c79c0, 0xc000a8c4b0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0)
        /home/build/arduino/cores/packagemanager/loader.go:45 +0x6f*PackageManager).LoadHardware(0xc0000c79c0, 0xc00012f980, 0x0)
        /home/build/arduino/cores/packagemanager/loader.go:34 +0x46, 0xc0000940b0, 0xf43c00, 0xc000a87a01, 0xc000a8de30, 0xc000ac7b18)
        /home/build/commands/instances.go:713 +0x84c, 0xc0000940b0, 0xc00051fc68, 0xc000a87aa0, 0xc000a8de30, 0x50, 0x50, 0xc0000753b0)
        /home/build/commands/instances.go:135 +0x5c, 0x1, 0xc000ac7d78)
        /home/build/cli/instance/instance.go:51 +0xd1, 0xa, 0xa)
        /home/build/cli/instance/instance.go:41 +0x2d, 0x19d14a8, 0x0, 0x0)
        /home/build/cli/core/list.go:52 +0x3b*Command).execute(0xc000605600, 0x19d14a8, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc000605600, 0x19d14a8)
        /go/pkg/mod/ +0x2a4*Command).ExecuteC(0xc0000d38c0, 0x0, 0xc000a7d680, 0x0)
        /go/pkg/mod/ +0x350*Command).Execute(...)
        /home/build/main.go:31 +0x8c
MCUdude commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your reply @per1234!

We are accustomed to be able to use previously defined properties within property definitions in the platform configuration files, and having those properties be expanded. However, this is not currently supported by Arduino CLI for the version field, which causes a panic when this is done due to the version not being parsable according to "relaxed semver".

So this means that there isn't anything wrong with MightyCore or DxCore, it's the IDE that struggles to parse the version? Because version=2.1.2 seems correct to me according to semver?

per1234 commented 3 years ago

The MightyCore version value should be perfectly fine. If anyone observes any problems with MightyCore and Arduino CLI, please let me know.

It's the unusual approach taken in DxCore that is problematic:



I don't see any reason why that shouldn't be supported, so at this point I would say that it's a bug in Arduino CLI that it is not working. If the decision is that properties expansion is not done the version field, then I would like to find some way to clearly document this limitation.

MCUdude commented 1 year ago

MightyCore works with IDE 2.x now.