MCUdude / MightyCore

Arduino hardware package for ATmega1284, ATmega644, ATmega324, ATmega324PB, ATmega164, ATmega32, ATmega16 and ATmega8535
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Migrating from Optiboot to Urboot #265

Closed MCUdude closed 8 months ago

MCUdude commented 1 year ago

Now that Avrdude 7.1 has been released, it's time to look into how MightyCore, MegaCore, MiniCore, and MajorCore can migrate to the superior Urboot bootloader which is vastly superior compared to Optiboot.

There are a few things to figure out and choices to e made, and @stefanrueger might have to help me out if I get stuck.

Things I know I want/need

Things I'm not sure about

mcuee commented 1 year ago


Maybe you can give some guideances here. Thanks.

stefanrueger commented 1 year ago

I recommend the typically 384-byte urboot vector bootloaders with EEPROM r/w capabilities and reset vector protection for use with avrdude -c urclock. Only if the board does not have an accessible SPI header and if reflashing is only possible using bootloader and if reflashing is expected during deployment and it is in an expensive product would I recommend to use a hardware-protected bootloader that is compatible with the old STK500v1 protocol (and avrdude -c arduino).

A couple more comments:

automatic baud rate detection

Urboot provides autobaud detection for classic parts with USARTs. This costs 16 bytes and is normally possible within a 384-byte urboot vector bootloader.

Flashing LED

Unlike Optiboot that flashes for 300 ms or so after reset, urboot switches the LED on at the start of a bootloader byte read function getch() and off again at the end of getch(); this saves code space and instills a visual sense of upload and download.

The Optiboot flasher library needs to be replaced with an Urboot-compatible one

Here some library code for this: It will need to be slighty ported (it's not written for the Arduino IDE). Using avrdude -c urclock for uploading a sketch creates a metadata interface just below the bootloader. That interface allows the unused flash (between sketch and metadata) to be used like EEPROM.

vector bootloaders

They are cool. Here the urboot recommendation with more background/tips how to select bootloader options

support the older stk500v1 protocol as well, for backward compatibility?

Only useful if avrdude -c urclock is assumed to be unavailable. Backward compatibility here means that the urboot bootloader can work with avrdude -c arduino of old AVRDUDE versions as well as avrdude -c urclock of AVRDUDE v7.1. This backward compatibility costs a lot of bytes in the bootloader.

EEPROM support is nice, but Arduino IDE doesn't utilize this feature

EEPROM support is very nice. Even if the Arduino IDE does not utilise this, any application might utilise it

MCUdude commented 1 year ago

The thing is that Optiboot works really, really well, but I'd like to give Urboot a try because it provides more features and a smaller footprint than Optiboot.

Unlike Optiboot that flashes for 300 ms or so after reset, urboot switches the LED on at the start of a bootloader byte read function getch() and off again at the end of getch(); this saves code space and instills a visual sense of upload and download.

Usually, there are LEDs on the RX/TX lines on either the target board or the USB to serial adapter. I'm willing to sacrifice some flash in order to get the same behavior as Optiboot.

This is why a flashing sequence is useful:

Here some library code for this: It will need to be slighty ported (it's not written for the Arduino IDE). Using avrdude -c urclock for uploading a sketch creates a metadata interface just below the bootloader. That interface allows the unused flash (between sketch and metadata) to be used like EEPROM.

Isn't this what the flash looks like when Urboot is used?

[ Start of flash ]
[ Vectors ]
[ User program ]
[ Unused flash space ]
[ Bootloader ]
[ Metadata ]
[ End of flash ]

With the current Optiboot flash library the user defines a progmem array which ends up as a section with an start address that lines up with the flash pages. It's very simple and understandable for the average user (I hope). Will the "Urboot-way" of doing this be more or the same as Optiboot does it? A library that interacts with some built-in functionality of the bootloader?

stefanrueger commented 1 year ago


The urboot LED actually has similar utility. It will tell you that the chip has been reset: the bootloader LED comes on after reset in the getc() of the bootloader. This is different from any LEDs on the RX/TX because the urboot LED tells you that the bootloader sees the correct host TX line toggle. It does not use up 300 ms at every reset. I prefer simple bootloader queries such as which bootloader capabilities avrdude -c urclock -xshowall not be delayed. The urboot LED shows bootloader activity during its lifetime (eg, when being kept alive in terminal mode). It only costs 6 bytes flash in contrast to optiboot's typically 26 bytes.

Urboot has a separate option -DDEBUG_FREQ=<n> (in Hz) that swings a square wave of 5 periods on pin -DFREQ_PIN=AtmelP<pin> (can be the LED pin) to enable exact F_CPU measurement with a scope (eg, in case of an imprecise resonator). I do not recommend that as default option as it is pretty wasteful in terms of flash.

Unused flash

I don't think a sketch on a chip with optiboot can easily figure out how large the actual optiboot bootloader is. This is one of the deficiencies of optiboot, which has failed to ask the question How would a sketch know where the bootloader starts? Your example, @MCUdude, out of necessity uses a guess(!) that can easily be wrong as you can compile different sizes of optiboot for any chip. Urboot's metadata interface gets avrdude -c urclock to store the start and length of unused flash in the metadata section, ie, there is no ambiguity. The functions urstoreRead(uint8_t *sram, uintpgm_t where, size_t n) and urstoreWrite(uint8_t *sram, uintpgm_t where, size_t n) have a byte-wise granularity, and every byte of unused flash can be used. where counts from 0 to the number of unused flash bytes - 1. BTW, unused flash, which I call Store, sits between the application and the metadata:

[ Vectors ]
[ Application ]
[ Store (unused flash) ]
[ Metadata ]
[ Bootloader ]

The urboot bootloader itself has a small table at FLASHEND that contains, amongst other things the size of the bootloader, ie, an application sketch can figure out where the metadata sit that in turn define the Store section with unused flash.

There is also a function void urbootPageWrite(void *sram, progmem_t pgm) that writes a memory page from SRAM into flash. Look at and try that out... you may need to do a little bt of porting but if you are lucky the mentioned functions work out of the box.

Urboot does not export a do_spm function (though it could at the expense of extending the top FLASH bootloader table by two bytes); instead it exports at FLASHEND+1-4 a complete function writepage() that is interfaced by urbootPageWrite(). The trick in urboot is to put that function at the known end of flash rather than the (generally) unknown begin of bootloader where optiboot puts the do_spm interface.

MCUdude commented 1 year ago

I'm about to push a test branch where I've replaced Optiboot with Urboot in the boards.txt file.

However, I thought I'd look at the metadata that was stored along with the program, but to my surprise, no metadata gets stored. Is this a bug or am I just doing things wrong here? The ATmega1284P is currently running the urboot_atmega1284p_autobaud_ee_lednop_fr_ce_ur_vbl.hex bootloader

$ ./avrdude -curclock -p atmega1284p -Uflash:w:blink_1284p.hex:i

avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
avrdude: device signature = 0x1e9705 (probably m1284p)
avrdude: Note: flash memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed.
         To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude: erasing chip
avrdude: reading input file blink_1284p.hex for flash
         with 1160 bytes in 1 section within [0, 0x487]
         using 5 pages and 120 pad bytes
avrdude: preparing flash input for device bootloader
avrdude: writing 1160 bytes flash ...

Writing | ################################################## | 100% 0.18 s 

avrdude: 1160 bytes of flash written
avrdude: verifying flash memory against blink_1284p.hex

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.12 s 

avrdude: 1160 bytes of flash verified

avrdude done.  Thank you.

$ ./avrdude -curclock -p atmega1284p -xshowall

avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
ffffffffffff 0000-00-00 00.00  application 0 store 0 meta 0 boot 512 u7.7 weu-jPrac vector 27 (SPM_READY) ATmega1284P

$ ./avrdude -curclock -p atmega1284p -xshowfilename

avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

MCUdude commented 1 year ago

However, metadata gets stored when I'm using a hardware bootloader (both with auto-baud support).

$ ./avrdude -curclock -p atmega1284p -xshowall

avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
ffffffffffff 0000-00-00 00.00  application 0 store 0 meta 0 boot 1024 u7.7 weu-hprac vector 0 (RESET) ATmega1284P

$ ./avrdude -curclock -p atmega1284p -Uflash:w:blink_1284p.hex:i

avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
avrdude: device signature = 0x1e9705 (probably m1284p)
avrdude: Note: flash memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed.
         To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude: erasing chip
avrdude: reading input file blink_1284p.hex for flash
         with 1160 bytes in 1 section within [0, 0x487]
         using 5 pages and 120 pad bytes
avrdude: preparing flash input for device bootloader
avrdude: writing 1160 bytes flash ...

Writing | ################################################## | 100% 0.18 s 

avrdude: 1160 bytes of flash written
avrdude: verifying flash memory against blink_1284p.hex

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.12 s 

avrdude: 1160 bytes of flash verified

avrdude done.  Thank you.

$ ./avrdude -curclock -p atmega1284p -xshowall

avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
ffffffffffff 2022-03-28 11.16 blink_1284p.hex 1160 store 128857 meta 31 boot 1024 u7.7 weu-hprac vector 0 (RESET) ATmega1284P

$ ./avrdude -cusbasp -patmega324pb -Uhfuse:r:-:h

avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
avrdude: device signature = 0x1e9517 (probably m324pb)
avrdude: reading hfuse memory ...
avrdude: writing output file <stdout>

avrdude done.  Thank you.
MCUdude commented 1 year ago

It turned out to be the lock bits (I think?). It was set to 0xCF by Arduino IDE, but it's only able to write metadata when the lock fuse is set to 0xFF.

EDIT: BTW, the test Urboot branch is here:

stefanrueger commented 1 year ago

about to push a test branch where I've replaced Optiboot with Urboot

Very cool!

It turned out to be the lock bits

Yes, one needs to switch off hardware protection of the boot section in order to use the free space from smaller bootloaders. It's documented in the Usage section of urboot, but forgetting that has happened to myself and @mcuee as well. It is probably a good idea to add metadata verification for avrdude -c urclock. Maybe there is even a way to give a neat error message that points to the lock bits as a possible source of metadata verification failure...

I am at the cusp of publishing pre-compiled urboot bootloaders for all possible UARTs on the chip. Seeing that you have your own boards, @MCUdude, you could add them in the script that generated pre-compiled urboot bootloaders:

BTW, I'll change the naming scheme to always include the rx/tx line in the file name as well as which uart/swio is used or whether an ALT UART pins were assigned. So that a user can tell from the file name where to hook up comms.

Names will look like below. Note this part is one of the very few classic parts that actually has an alt UART pin assignment.

Size Features Hex file
254 w-u-jpra- urboot_attiny441_autobaud_uart0_alt1_rxb2_txa7_ur_vbl.hex
254 w-u-jpra- urboot_attiny441_autobaud_uart0_rxa2_txa1_lednop_ur_vbl.hex
254 w-u-jpra- urboot_attiny441_autobaud_uart1_rxa4_txa5_lednop_ur_vbl.hex
296 w-u-jPra- urboot_attiny441_autobaud_uart0_alt1_rxb2_txa7_lednop_fr_ur_vbl.hex
308 w-u-jprac urboot_attiny441_autobaud_uart0_alt1_rxb2_txa7_lednop_fr_ce_ur_vbl.hex
316 w-u-jPrac urboot_attiny441_autobaud_uart0_rxa2_txa1_lednop_fr_ce_ur_vbl.hex
316 w-u-jPrac urboot_attiny441_autobaud_uart1_rxa4_txa5_lednop_fr_ce_ur_vbl.hex
320 weu-jpra- urboot_attiny441_autobaud_uart0_alt1_rxb2_txa7_ee_ur_vbl.hex
320 weu-jpra- urboot_attiny441_autobaud_uart0_rxa2_txa1_ee_lednop_ur_vbl.hex
320 weu-jpra- urboot_attiny441_autobaud_uart1_rxa4_txa5_ee_lednop_ur_vbl.hex
378 weu-jPrac urboot_attiny441_autobaud_uart0_rxa2_txa1_ee_lednop_fr_ce_ur_vbl.hex
378 weu-jPrac urboot_attiny441_autobaud_uart1_rxa4_txa5_ee_lednop_fr_ce_ur_vbl.hex
384 weu-jPrac urboot_attiny441_autobaud_uart0_alt1_rxb2_txa7_ee_lednop_fr_ce_ur_vbl.hex
MCUdude commented 1 year ago

Seeing that you have your own boards, @MCUdude, you could add them in the script that generated pre-compiled urboot bootloaders:

But wouldn't this generate a new "boards" folder where the bootloaders I've added get stored? I'd prefer if the bootloaders with various LED options were stored in their respective /mcu/[mcu type] folders instead. There's no need to create folders in the "boards" folder called "MightyCore", "MiniCore", "MegaCore" and "MajorCore" as there's nothing special about these bootloaders apart from their LED pin.

As mentioned in the first post, these are the LED configurations my cores use. Could it be an idea to add these as pre-compiled bootloaders for your urboot.hex repo? Optiboot alternatives with this exact LED configuration have existed for years, so my guess is that bootloaders for these parts with this particular LED pin would be the most popular ones anyways.

MightyCore targets ``` | MightyCore | LED option 1 | LED option 2 | |-------------|--------------|--------------| | ATmega1284P | PB0 | PB7 | | ATmega1284 | PB0 | PB7 | | ATmega644P | PB0 | PB7 | | ATmega644A | PB0 | PB7 | | ATmega324PB | PB0 | PB7 | | ATmega324PA | PB0 | PB7 | | ATmega324P | PB0 | PB7 | | ATmega324A | PB0 | PB7 | | ATmega164P | PB0 | PB7 | | ATmega164A | PB0 | PB7 | | ATmega32 | PB0 | PB7 | | ATmega16 | PB0 | PB7 | | ATmega8535 | PB0 | PB7 | ```
MiniCore targets ``` | MiniCore | LED option 1 | |-------------|--------------| | ATmega328PB | PB5 | | ATmega328P | PB5 | | ATmega328 | PB5 | | ATmega168PB | PB5 | | ATmega168P | PB5 | | ATmega168 | PB5 | | ATmega88PB | PB5 | | ATmega88P | PB5 | | ATmega88 | PB5 | | ATmega48PB | PB5 | | ATmega48P | PB5 | | ATmega48 | PB5 | | ATmega8 | PB5 | ```
MegaCore targets ``` | MegaCore | LED option 1 | |-------------|--------------| | ATmega6490P | PB7 | | ATmega6490 | PB7 | | ATmega6450P | PB7 | | ATmega6450 | PB7 | | ATmega3290P | PB7 | | ATmega3290 | PB7 | | ATmega3250P | PB7 | | ATmega3250 | PB7 | | ATmega2560 | PB7 | | ATmega1280 | PB7 | | ATmega2561 | PB5 | | ATmega1281 | PB5 | | ATmega640 | PB7 | | | | | Atmega649P | PB5 | | ATmega649 | PB5 | | ATmega645P | PB5 | | ATmega645 | PB5 | | ATmega329P | PB5 | | ATmega329 | PB5 | | ATmega325P | PB5 | | ATmega325 | PB5 | | ATmega169P | PB5 | | ATmega169A | PB5 | | ATmega165P | PB5 | | ATmega165A | PB5 | | ATmega128 | PB5 | | ATmega64 | PB5 | | AT90CAN128 | PB5 | | AT90CAN64 | PB5 | | AT90CAN32 | PB5 | ```
MajorCore targets ``` | MajorCore | LED option 1 | |-------------|--------------| | ATmega162 | PB0 | | ATmega8515 | PB0 | ```
stefanrueger commented 1 year ago

mkurboots treats a boards as a soldered, ie, fixed, combination of (MCU, LED, LEDPOLARITY, SFMCS), where the latter is the chip select line of an optional SPI flash memory for dual boot. The corresponding bootloaders are actually generated under mcus/<mcu>/... but then copied to boards/<board>/... with a slightly changed bootloader name (eg, _atmega328p_ replaced with _uno_).

OK, I see that for the cores both the MCU and the LED position is variable. I still suggest to treat them initially as boards and then copy the generated bootloaders to cores/<core>/<mcu>/...

Having copies of the relevant bootloaders under boards/ and cores/, respectively, makes it easier for a user to find/select the right one. A part with many boards/cores (think ATmega328P) quickly generates a shedload of bootloaders.

How about sth like the following?

# Treat MightyCore, MiniCore, MegaCore and MajorCore initially as boards
if [[ /atmega1284p/atmega1284/atmega644p/atmega644a/atmega324pb/atmega324pa/atmega324p/atmega324a/atmega164p/atmega164a/atmega32/atmega16/atmega8535/ =~ /$mcu/ ]]; then
elif [[ /atmega328pb/atmega328p/atmega328/atmega168pb/atmega168p/atmega168/atmega88pb/atmega88p/atmega88/atmega48pb/atmega48p/atmega48/atmega8/ =~ /$mcu/ ]]; then
elif [[ /atmega6490p/atmega6490/atmega6450p/atmega6450/atmega3290p/atmega3290/atmega3250p/atmega3250/atmega2560/atmega1280/atmega640/ =~ /$mcu/ ]]; then
elif [[ /atmega2561/atmega1281/atmega649p/atmega649/atmega645p/atmega645/atmega329p/atmega329/atmega325p/atmega325/atmega169p/atmega169a/atmega165p/atmega165a/atmega128/atmega64/at90can128/at90can64/at90can32/ =~ /$mcu/ ]]; then
elif [[ /atmega162/atmega8515/ =~ /$mcu/ ]]; then

@MCUdude Please check whether I translated your tables correctly.

MCUdude commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @stefanrueger! The table looks correct to me.

I'm looking forward to give it a try!

stefanrueger commented 1 year ago

The table looks correct to me.

Good, I only asked b/c in your MegaCore table, ATmega2561 and ATmega1281 are listed with PB5 amongst PB7 LEDs.

I'm looking forward to give it a try!

OK, I'll add this and some code to create and copy the correct core/<core>/<mcu>/... structure.

stefanrueger commented 1 year ago

@MCUdude: Finished; have a look at the cores directory of the urboot.hex repository.

DRSDavidSoft commented 9 months ago

I'm trying to make the Urboot bootloader work with ATmega32 using MightyCore: