MCUdude / MightyCore

Arduino hardware package for ATmega1284, ATmega644, ATmega324, ATmega324PB, ATmega164, ATmega32, ATmega16 and ATmega8535
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Remove unecessary scripts #283

Open Bidski opened 8 months ago

Bidski commented 8 months ago

If these files are installed in a system wide location then the user running the build may be unable to chmod the scripts in order to execute them.

On top of this, these scripts aren't actually needed as you can just invoke /bin/bash directly with the appropriate arguments to achieve the same result.

Bidski commented 8 months ago

the user running the build may be unable to chmod the scripts in order to execute them

There is no need to do that because the scripts already have executable permissions.

The platform.txt file that you linked blindly tries to chmod the script. The user who is running the build process is also the user who is executing that chmod command (via the platform.txt commands). Even if the script already has executable permissions, running chmod as a user with insufficient permissions will fail.

these scripts aren't actually needed as you can just invoke /bin/bash directly with the appropriate arguments to achieve the same result.

The scripts aren't there for the purpose of being ran manually. The scripts are automatically executed by the Arduino development tools:

I understand this, and I am not trying to run the scripts manually. My point here is that the scripts are unnecessary even for the Arduino development tools