MCluck90 / kaleidofoam

A collection of features built for Foam
MIT License
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Usage of Monthly rather than Weekly pages #7

Open omrihar opened 1 year ago

omrihar commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for the very interesting project! I just recently discovered Foam and Kaleidofoam when I was trying to set up something similar to a Zettlekasten but not using Zettlr.

I have been using the Bullet Journal method for years in a physical notebook (which I still appreciate), but I see a lot of potential using vscode the way you set it up. For me I'm usually not using a weekly schedule, but rather daily notes and a monthly combination of calendar / Todo list. I have never coded an extension for vscode (though I have some javascript experience). Do you think it would be difficult to add a monthly rather than weekly note to collect tasks for the month?

Thanks again and very nice work! Omri

P.S. would be great if you share your keybindings for Kaleidofoam. I'm also using the vim extension and I'm wondering what you came up with in terms of keyboard shortcuts...

MCluck90 commented 1 year ago

Hi @omrihar! I've thought about adding monthly notes for a while but just haven't gotten around to it haha. Adding it should be pretty easy, it will be done essentially the same way as the weekly ones but with a different format. I'll probably get around to it eventually but PRs are also open if you decide to give it a shot yourself 😀

omrihar commented 1 year ago

Hi @MCluck90 , I doubt I'll find the time anytime soon (unfortunately) but if I get around to it I'll definitely try out a PR. I'm afraid there might be too much to learn about vscode extension development for me to cross the bridge atm. But perhaps it's a good opportunity to learn that skill... I'm also wondering if you have an option to quickly scroll through the last few days. When I'm starting a new page in my BuJo I usually quickly go through the last few days to see which tasks I did, and what is left open. So if I could create a keybinding pair that quickly goes to yesterday and tomorrow (relative to the note displayed) it could be a pretty nifty addition to the workflow. Anyway to do that?

Thanks again for the great extension and for sharing it with the world!

MCluck90 commented 1 year ago

That's something that I've been wanting for a while and I've just been making due with going to my daily edge links. However, today is the day that finally changes haha. I just released a new version with kaleidofoam.openYesterday and kaleidofoam.openTomorrow. Hopefully that helps!

MCluck90 commented 1 year ago

I've started toying with adding in monthly notes as well. Here's my first pass at what the format might look like. Let me know what you think and if there's anything you would change.


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
[[01]] [[02]] [[03]] [[04]]
[[05]] [[06]] [[07]] [[08]] [[09]] [[10]] [[11]]
[[12]] [[13]] [[14]] [[15]] [[16]] [[17]] [[18]]
[[19]] [[20]] [[21]] [[22]] [[23]] [[24]] [[25]]
[[26]] [[27]] [[28]] [[29]] [[30]] [[31]]



omrihar commented 1 year ago

Really nice! In my paper-form journal I usually have one page for the calendar with one day per line in the format:

1 Tue
2 Wed
3 Thu

where I just add a short note about the day if there is anything to write (somewhat similar to but a lot less nice) and a second page for Monthly tasks. I use the calendar very sparingly but I like it being there so I can scan the months easily to find where I can find specific things that I know I logged in the daily log. Perhaps a translation for it would be something like this:

[[1 Tue]] - Finally added monthly pages to KaleidoFoam
[[2 Wed]] - First milestone arrived.
[[3 Thu]] - Foo Bar

But I don't know how convenient it would be to use since it'll make the monthly page quite long. What do you think?