MCreator-Examples / Feedback

The Feedback Repository is a place where the community can suggest ideas for future videos. In some cases, I will pick things from this repository if I feel motivated or have an idea of how to add them.
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Player kills an entity procedure #18

Open ImDaMilan opened 3 years ago

ImDaMilan commented 3 years ago


  1. Player kills an entity is sonething that users have been asking how to do for a very long time, but the MCreator forums do not help.
  2. The things I would like to see in the video is how it would be possible for a certain event to be called when a player kills an entity of a cerain type, and I would also like to see how it works in-game.


Describe any new features you want to be added.

northwesttreesgaming commented 3 years ago

This would be possible through global procedures. There is one called "Entity Dies" basically this will run globally when an entity dies.

The global trigger also supports the source entity so you can test for the entry that attacked and killed that entity like how you have stated in "Feature 4"

It's a small enough request where I think it can be done in the upcoming week for sure. Most likely on Tuesday, it will come out. You can also use the screenshot below as a reference to the procedure system that you have asked for in your request.


The source entity would be in this case the entity that killed the other entity. The target entity is the entity that died. The block to test for the entity can be found under "Logic". You need to use a AND operator to test for both entities. And the potion effect is easy enough to understand, 40 ticks are 2 seconds (20 ticks per second.) Level 0 = potency level 1 of potion 1 is actually potency level 2.

Hope that helps in the mean time thank you for your suggestion :)