MD-Anderson-Bioinformatics / NG-CHM

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#165476233 Link out configuration issue: Slide viewer link out always points to same slide. #105

Open jmelott opened 2 years ago

jmelott commented 2 years ago

Originally Pivotal Tracker issue: bug entered by James M. Melott on 04/19/2019

Regardless of what is passed to the link out for the slide archives, the same slide is always displayed and no error messages displayed on their site. Typing a string of random characters into the URL we are using seems to get us to the same slide.

jmelott commented 2 years ago

@markstucky - Jul 24 2019, 3:41 pm I ran some tests and I seem to get a different slide in the Digital Slide Archive for each different sample that I select when linking out. Maybe someone (not myself) fixed this at some point in the past. Perhaps this can be tested again. I'm going to mark it as delivered and place it in an accept/reject state for re-testing.

@jamesm5 - Aug 8 2019, 10:53 am Still always seeing exactly the same slide image as if the /?slide_name=[something] parameter were not present.

@jamesm5 - Aug 8 2019, 10:54 am Tested with

Which is map tcga_rnaseqv2_coad_v2.0_gene_sample

@markstucky - Aug 8 2019, 11:41 am Will try to reproduce again. Could not reproduce the last time around.

@jamesm5 - Aug 8 2019, 2:47 pm Always the same image. It looks like maybe they changed how their website works. It looks like you have to pick a cancer type and sample from a drop down to get anything but the default side to display. The default looks to be cancer type acc, sample TCGA-2W-A8YY .

@jamesm5 - Aug 19 2019, 10:35 am Issues still exists in viewer 2.12.0.

@markstucky - Jun 1 2020, 12:44 pm Just revisiting this. James has it right. It appears to no longer be possible to pass a Patient_ID to this website via the URL.

jmelott commented 2 years ago

Still present in version 2.21.2 on 2022 02 11.

bmbroom commented 1 year ago

Apparently, the browser doesn't reload the page if the part of the URL before the hash doesn't change. Since the base URL for this link out contains a hash followed by the sample id, changes to the sample id don't cause the page to reload. Manually reloading the CDSA page shows the new sample.

Since the CDSA is in a different domain, you can't use code like newwin.location.reload() to force a reload either.

I found that adding a random query parameter before the hash forces the browser to reload the page.