MDAnalysis / UserGuide

User Guide for MDAnalysis
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feat: add snapshot tests with syrupy #285

Closed jandom closed 9 months ago

jandom commented 11 months ago

I really want to refactor this library a bit: everything is based on inheritance (as is most MDA) and it's basically impossible to read it can be challenging for a newcomer to get started. To refactor safely, we need to have a test harness to ensure that nothing is broken.

There is a number of python scripts in

python "${GENPATH}/"
python "${GENPATH}/"
python "${GENPATH}/"
python "${GENPATH}/"
python "${GENPATH}/"
python "${GENPATH}/"
python "${GENPATH}/"

And the fastest way to get these under tests is by adding snapshot tests. The tests in this PR exercise all the python code in this codebase.

All the .ambr files are automatically generated via

python -m pytest --snapshot-update 
jandom commented 11 months ago

Bonus finding here is that creating the snapshot tests, allowed code coverage to be generated, and identified a number of code paths that are never executed. Simpler code is always easier to refactor, but that will be a follow-up PR – out of scope here

lilyminium commented 11 months ago

Hi @jandom, thanks for opening this PR. The user guide was meant to be documentation and the scripts just a way to ensure that changes in the disconnected core repo were reflected in the user guide with minimal effort -- as such, the code in the package are just fairly quick-and-dirty scripts that are not very robust; tests and refactoring would be a huge improvement.

However, I'm not familiar with the syrupy library. Is the idea to compare the output of the functions to previously generated snapshots? If so, does that mean anything new that results in a change (e.g. the new TNG change, or possibly changes in core MDA library) would result in needing to re-generate snapshots?

jandom commented 11 months ago

hi there @lilyminium, my apologies for being critical – I should have been more positive. I deeply care about code quality, especially in research. MDA is the leading package in this ecosystem, where we set the bar, others pay attention. The easier the code is to maintain, the lower the bar to entry to folks from all walks of life.

Onto syrup, you are correct – it's just dumb snapshot test library. If the output differs from a previous output, error. These snapshot tests are very brittle and very powerful for certain uses: like ensuring that a refactor didn't break anything (where as unit tests you'd have to adjust heavily). I'm not advocating there for including snapshot testing into CI/CD but could be useful for detecting drift in refactors, and applicable for detecting dead code.

I really want to cleanup this code (tests, typing, all that jazz) as an example for what's possible. But to do that I want to make super-sure I don't break anything by accident.

jandom commented 11 months ago

Here are some examples of detected dead-code for example, in, removing this code makes refactoring so much simpler. "Does this corner case ever happen? Nope, not really"

Screenshot 2023-08-05 at 1 19 54 PM Screenshot 2023-08-05 at 1 20 04 PM Screenshot 2023-08-05 at 1 20 30 PM
RMeli commented 11 months ago

@jandom sorry for the slow replies here there days. I associate with @lilyminium, your work on the UserGuide is very valuable and much appreciated!

Do I understand correctly that this snapshot testing would be only a temporary solution during refactoring? If yes, it is possible/would it make sense to pull from a fixed MDAnalysis version during the refactoring (2.5.0 or a specific commit)? In this way the snapshots would remain consistent.

jandom commented 11 months ago

@RMeli no problemo, all the reviews came today like an avalanche!

not sure how we could pin the MDAnalysis version used by snapshots, other than by pinning the version in requirements.txt and environment.yml, but then this repo wouldn't trail MDAnalysis automatically.

yeah, i would use snapshots for refactoring, for when the behavior shouldn't change.

RMeli commented 11 months ago

not sure how we could pin the MDAnalysis version used by snapshots, other than by pinning the version in requirements.txt and environment.yml, but then this repo wouldn't trail MDAnalysis automatically.

Right, I think it might need a separate environment.yaml file. But then we could leave such action and update the snapshots once per release, I think.

jandom commented 11 months ago

nw @IAlibay this is not a huge rush – to be fair I'd expect you to be the major benefactor of this PR, because it'll signal to you if stuff "unexplainably" changes under the hood

lilyminium commented 11 months ago

Right, I think it might need a separate environment.yaml file. But then we could leave such action and update the snapshots once per release, I think.

I think pinning the version to the last release would make it quite difficult to update and release the user guide in tandem with the core library. If anything, trailing the core repo live and having snapshots potentially break means we can track how sustainable, disruptive, or useful snapshot tests could potentially be.

@jandom I see you've already opened a PR against this branch -- could that be a potential avenue forward for your refactor? i.e. to test against snapshots but not merge into develop until the refactor is done and potential unit tests could be put in?

jandom commented 11 months ago

We could leave the branch unmerged, yeah, but that will require a lot of git acrobatics – at least given my level of git ;-)

To address the concern from @IAlibay I'd maybe advocate for silent launching the snapshot tests – we merge the PR and permit the snapshot tests to fail. Whoever wants to pay attention, can, but release manager won't be blocked.

RMeli commented 11 months ago

I think pinning the version to the last release would make it quite difficult to update and release the user guide in tandem with the core library.

In case I wasn't clear, I wasn't suggesting a global pinning but a pinning only for the snapshot tests during their refactoring.

If anything, trailing the core repo live and having snapshots potentially break means we can track how sustainable, disruptive, or useful snapshot tests could potentially be.

But yeah, this is a good point!

IAlibay commented 11 months ago

But then we could leave such action and update the snapshots once per release, I think.

I've not read anything but this but with my release manager hat on I'm going to block on this until I get a chance to review.

P.S. I'm swamped with irl things at the moment so it might take me a week at least.

I've not forgotten about this - just want to get 2.6.0 out first and then I'll try to come back to it.

jandom commented 11 months ago

Sounds good, i'm on a little holiday so not looking at this too carefully

jandom commented 10 months ago

@IAlibay a gentle bump – i don't know if you're still busy (probably yes), maybe there is someone you could... khm-khm "volunteer" to do the review? :P

IAlibay commented 10 months ago

@IAlibay a gentle bump – i don't know if you're still busy (probably yes), maybe there is someone you could... khm-khm "volunteer" to do the review? :P

Sorry @jandom I started looking at this but I can't dedicate a ton of time for reviews right now. I'm not keen to unblock this until I get a really good idea of exactly how this impacts releases.

Maybe the fastest way to get this moving is if you could detail out how you anticipate things to affect releases (I'm sure it's detailed somewhere along the review but it'd be easier if it was concentrated in one comment).

jandom commented 10 months ago

Maybe the fastest way to get this moving is if you could detail out how you anticipate things to affect releases (I'm sure it's detailed somewhere along the review but it'd be easier if it was concentrated in one comment).

Gotcha. Let's consider two options

1) The main idea behind the snapshots is to provide a safety net during refactoring. We can generate them before refactoring and just double-check no unintended changes slipped through. No need to commit them to the repo unless we want to. No impact on releases either. 2) If we decide to fold them into the release process, it'd go like this

It's all about giving us a bit more peace of mind with minimal fuss. Let me know what you think!

jandom commented 10 months ago

Bump, sorry just wondering about this PR again. What's the reservation with respect to the releases? That it will all break/get brittle at exactly the time when you need to pump the release out? I can probably understand that... the flip side being that there were no tests here at all – surely not having tests should be more scary to a release manager? ;-)

jandom commented 10 months ago

Thank you for the review, I'll go ahead and update the docs

pep8speaks commented 9 months ago

Hello @jandom! Thanks for updating this PR. We checked the lines you've touched for PEP 8 issues, and found:

Line 14:80: E501 line too long (83 > 79 characters)

Comment last updated at 2023-10-08 19:31:02 UTC
IAlibay commented 9 months ago

I don't know if @lilyminium or @RMeli had anything else to say, but to me at least this satisfies the "I know that to do next time I do a release" problem.

jandom commented 9 months ago

Super happy we're moving ahead with this – and thank you for all the reviews. Love to see a zombie PR turned back alive ;-)