MDK-Packs / CB_Lab4Layer

CMSIS-Build Lab with Layers
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Keil uVision 5.32 cannot handle some cprj files #11

Open fred-r opened 3 years ago

fred-r commented 3 years ago


I am working with a STM32F7, F4 and L5. With all of them I can create clayers and build successfully with cbuildgen make for my 3 IDEs : ac6, gcc, iar.

Then I try to open the cprj file with Keil uVision 5.32. Everything goes fine for F7 and L5 but for F4 (jk: corrected) only the HAL EXTI driver file is present in the Device group.

Looking at the files I see no difference between a one which is working (F7) and one which is failing (F4).

In both cases the CMSIS packs for DFP and drivers are my STMicroelectronics one, prepared in the same way.

Would you possibly give me some hints to investigate this issue further ?

Thanks & Regards,


fred-r commented 3 years ago

Typo: issue with F4

jkrech commented 3 years ago

When you try to (re-)create the project manually in MDK for the STM32F429ZITx device from scratch given your packs for the STM32F4 family, would you be able to see all the expected components in the RTE dialog and are you able to select them and have the sources added to the project? Please ensure that these are components with Cvendor="STMicroelectronics" and not "Keil". Are the "Keil" components present in your system?

LMESTM commented 3 years ago

@jkrech I've encountered the same issue with a L5 STM32L562E-DK project. The components described in cprj are well defined with Cvendor="STMicroelectronics" like:

Also STMicroelectronics package is listed in the section.

"Keil" package and components are also installed and present in the system ... not sure if this has an impact.

When resolving manually dependencies and adding components in "Manage Run-Time Environment", the files are correctly added to the project.

fred-r commented 3 years ago

@jkrech Hi Joachim,

good catch : you've got it right ! Indeed for L5 and F7 I had not installed the Keil DFP packs, only my ST ones. For F4 I had the Keil pack installed. By removing the Keil F4 pack everything is fine now for F4 : when I open the cprj I can see all the required files in the workspace.

But...why is it so ? The vendor is different so the Keil packs should not interfere ?

Thanks & Regards, Fred

LMESTM commented 3 years ago

Same here, by removing the Keil one, this works as expected ...