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Bitcoin: Learning and Predictability via Technical Analysis∗ Andreas Bernanek University of Vienna Hong Liu Washington University in St. Louis Jack Strauss University of Denver Guofu Zhou† Washington University in St. Louis Yingzi Zhu Tsinghua University December 10, 2018 Abstract We document that 1- to 20-week moving averages (MAs) of daily prices predict Bitcoin returns in- and out-of-sample. Trading strategies based on MAs generate substantial alpha, utility and Sharpe ratios gains, and significantly reduce the severity of drawdowns relative to a buy-and-hold position in Bitcoin. We explain these facts with a novel equilibrium model that demonstrates, with uncertainty about growth in fundamentals, rational learning by investors with different priors yields predictability of returns by MAs. We further validate our model by showing the MA strategies are profitable for tech stocks during the dotcom era when fundamentals were hard to interpret. JEL classification: G11, G12, G14 Keywords: Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, technical analysis

  1. Introduction Relative to other assets, the historical returns on Bitcoin are astounding. One dollar invested in Bitcoin on July 18, 2010 grew to $70,970 by June 30, 2018, after hitting a peak value of $214,922. The same investment in the S&P500 stock index, which experienced relatively strong performance by historical standards, grew to only $2.55 over the same period. Moreover, Bitcoin is only the first digital coin in the rapidly growing cryptocurrency market whose capitalization measures in the hundreds of billions of dollars. Bitcoin’s dramatic price growth accompanies similarly dramatic volatility. For example, Bitcoin experienced three large drawdowns averaging 30% in 2017 alone. Few, if any, measurable fundamentals explain Bitcoin’s explosive price growth and high volatility. In this paper, we address two natural asset pricing questions: what explains the dynamics of Bitcoin prices and are Bitcoin returns predictable? Presumably, the value of Bitcoin depends on some form of convenience yield, e.g., the benefits it provides as a medium of exchange and store of value. However, unlike more established governmentbacked currencies, Bitcoin’s current and expected future convenience yield is a highly uncertain and randomly evolving quantity investors must learn about. Furthermore, unlike other common financial assets such as stocks, bonds, and currencies, Bitcoin lacks universally accepted valuerelevant fundamentals such as dividends, interest payments, and accounting statements. Given this lack of fundamentals, one naturally suspects that Bitcoin investors rely heavily on technical indicators such as the path of prices and volume to infer value-relevant information. In this paper, we provide the first study of technical analysis applied to Bitcoin. We also construct a novel rational continuous-time equilibrium model that justifies the use of common technical analysis strategies, not only in trading Bitcoin, but also in trading financial assets that lack easily interpreted fundamentals.1 In the model, rational investors with different priors learn about the latent growth rate of Bitcoin’s convenience yield. In contrast to other financial assets, investors in our model can only learn from past prices and convenience yields; they do not have access to other value-relevant signals like fundamentals. We show that, in this setting, trading rules based on moving averages (MAs) are optimal, MAs predict returns, and price drift exists (i.e., the expected return increases after a rise in Bitcoin’s price). Unlike prior models with technical traders, our model does not assume that a subset of investors use exogenously given technical trading rules (e.g., Han et al., 2016). Relative to the theoretical literature on technical analysis, our model is the first equilibrium model with endogenous technical trading. Our model also differs from prior rational models that generate time-series momentum-style price drift. For example, in the model of Banerjee et al. (2009), the existence of price drift relies on differences in higher-order beliefs, and in the model of Cochrane et al. (2008), this drift requires existence of multiple risky assets.2 Consistent with our model, we find that daily Bitcoin returns are predictable in-sample by ratios of current (log) price to its 1- to 20-week moving averages (MAs). The model also predicts that this predictability becomes stronger when uncertainty decreases as investors learn about the dynamics of the latent growth of the convenience yield. Consistent with this prediction, we find both a negative interaction between the price-to-MA and return variance in return-forecasting regressions, as well as a downward trend in variance over time. Since in-sample predictive regressions can overstate the significance of predictability to investors in real time (e.g., Goyal and Welch, 2008), we assess out-of-sample predictability. To incorporate information across horizons, we apply out-ofsample mean-combination forecasts (e.g., Rapach et al., 2010). We find positively and statistically significant out-of-sample R2 s for most MA horizons and the mean forecasts. For comparison, we test whether Bitcoin returns are predictable by the VIX, Treasury bill rate, term spread, and the default spread, which are common predictors of stock returns. These variables fail to predict Bitcoin returns both in- and out-of-sample. To assess the economic significance of Bitcoin-return predictability to investors, we form a trading strategy that goes long Bitcoin when the price is above the MA, and long cash otherwise. We find that these trading strategies significantly outperform the buy-and-hold benchmark, increasing Sharpe ratios by 0.2 to 0.6 per year from 1.8. The alphas and mean-variance utility gains are also large for most MA horizons. Moreover, average returns on Bitcoin on days when the MA signals indicate a long Bitcoin position are at least 18 times as large as those when the signals indicate investment in cash. These results are similar across both halves of the sample. The same strategies with various MA horizons also outperform the buy-and-hold benchmark when applied to other two other cryptocurrencies, Ripple and Ethereum, Bitcoin’s two largest competitors. While our model is motivated by Bitcoin, it should also apply to other assets that lack easily interpreted fundamentals.3 Hence, to further test our model, we consider the NASDAQ portfolio during a ten-year window (1996–2005) that includes the boom-and-bust of the early 2000’s. In this period, many emerging technologies associated with the internet and other communication advances introduced fundamentals that at the time were difficult to assess, much like those of Bitcoin. Many NASDAQ companies possessed no earnings (or negative earnings) for years before they became viable, and other company’s innovations never proved valuable and eventually failed. We show that our technical trading strategies applied to the NASDAQ outperform the buy-andhold benchmark in this ten-year window. This outperformance largely derives from avoiding the length and severity of the major NASDAQ drawdowns during this period. For similar reasons as those motivating our NASDAQ analysis, our model should also apply to individual young internet stocks during the tech boom before they had relatively informative fundamentals. During the fiveyear window around the peak of the tech boom (1998–2002), we find that the average MA strategy increases Sharpe ratios for almost all stocks in the Morgan Stanley Internet Index, which included many representative tech firms of the time (e.g., EBay and Amazon). These results demonstrate wider applicability of our model to other emerging assets characterized by fundamentals that are difficult to value besides Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Our model provides a testable economic implication in addition to the predictability of Bitcoin returns by MAs of prices. Specifically, in our model, trading results from variation across MA horizon indicators. Consistent with this implication, we show that proxies for disagreement across horizons and total turnover implied by the MA signals are significantly and positively associated with trading volume. Hence, overall, our results demonstrate that Bitcoin returns are predictable by MAs of different horizons, investors can profit from this predictability, and Bitcoin’s trading volume is explained by differing MA trading signals across horizons 1.1. Related Literature Our paper contributes to the growing literature on the economics of cryptocurrencies and the associated blockchain technology. Unlike our paper, relatively few papers in this vein study the asset pricing properties of Bitcoin. Using the Cagan model of hyperinflation, Jermann (2018) empirically examines the relative contribution of shocks to volume and velocity on variation in Bitcoin’s price. Jermann finds that most of the variation in Bitcoin’s price is attributable to volume shocks, consistent with stochastic adoption dominating technology innovations. Dwyer (2015) explains how cryptocurrencies can have positive value given limited supply. Athey et al. (2016), Bolt and van Oordt (2016), and Pagnotta and Buraschi (2018) all provide models in which the value of cryptocurrencies depends on some combination of (i) usage and the degree of adoption, (ii) the scarcity of Bitcoin, and (iii) the value of anonymity. Our model differs from those used by prior studies in at least two important respects. First, our model does not require Bitcoin to be interpreted as a currency per se. We do not directly specify currency-related determinants of its value (e.g. (i)–(iii) above). Rather, we model the flow of utilityproviding benefits as a random state variable, which we call a “convenience yield”, but admits a more general interpretation. This generality is important because some market participants argue that Bitcoin is better thought of as a speculative asset than a currency (e.g., Yermack, 2013). For example Bitcoin’s high volatility eliminates its use a store of value, a defining feature of money. Second, the papers cited above all assume full-information, however, our model features learning. This feature is critical given the lack of agreement on what determines the value of Bitcoin.4 The learning aspect of our model also helps us to answer novel questions relative to the prior studies such as: what predicts Bitcoin returns? Relative to asset pricing inquiries, such as ours, most of the literature on the economics of Bitcoin seeks to identify problems, implementation issues, and uses of cryptocurrencies. B¨ohme et al. (2015) discuss the virtual currency’s potential to disrupt existing payment systems and perhaps even monetary systems. Harvey (2017) describes immense possibilities for the future for Bitcoin and its underlying blockchain technology. Balvers and McDonald (2018) describe conditions and practical steps necessary for using blockchain technology as a global currency. Easley et al.

MDVsoft commented 2 years ago

udate: 20210828

(2017) provide a model of Bitcoin trading fees. Yermack (2017) discusses use of Blockchain for trading equities and the corresponding governance implications. Gandal et al. (2018) and Griffin and Shams (2018) document Bitcoin price manipulation. Biais et al. (2018) model the reliability of the Blockchain mechanism. Catalini and Gans (2017) discuss how blockchain technology will shape the rate and direction of innovation. Chiu and Koeppl (2017) study the optimal design of cryptocurrencies and assess quantitatively how well such currencies can support bilateral trade. Cong and He (2018) model the impact of blockchain technology on information environments. Fern´andez-Villaverde and Sanches (2017) model competition among privately issued currencies. Foley et al. (2018) document that a large portion of Bitcoin transactions represent illegal activity. Huberman et al. (2017) model fees and self-propagation mechanism of the Bitcoin payment system. Malinova and Park (2017) model the use of blockchain in trading financial assets. Saleh (2017) examines economic viability of blockchain price-formation mechanism. Prat and Walter (2016) show theoretically and empirically that Bitcoin prices forecast Bitcoin production. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces the model and discusses its implications. Section III provides the data and summary statistics. Section IV reports the main empirical results, and Section V concludes.

MDVsoft commented 2 years ago
  1. The Model Moving averages of prices have been widely used in practice for forecasting and trading risky assets such as stocks. However, to the best of our knowledge, no rational equilibrium model justifies such practice.5 In this section, we develop the first rational continuous-time equilibrium model that provides a theoretical foundation for using the moving averages of prices for forecasting and trading risky assets including cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. In the model, there is one risky asset (“Bitcoin”) with one unit of net supply and one risk-free asset with zero net supply that investors can continuously trade. Assumption 1. Each unit of Bitcoin provides a stream of convenience yield δt , where dδt δt = Xtdt + σδdZ1t

dXt = λ(X¯ − Xt)dt + ρσXdZ1t + p 1 − ρ 2σXdZ2t , (2) where σδ > 0, λ > 0, X > ¯ 0, σX > 0, and ρ ∈ [−1, 1] are all known constants and (Z1t , Z2t) is a two-dimensional standard Brownian motion, and the expected growth rate Xt is an unobservable state variable. While Bitcoin does not provide any cash flows, we assume it offers some stochastic flow of benefits, which we call “convenience yield” (δt), to its owners. For example, holding Bitcoin can facilitate certain transactions, reduce hyper-inflation risk caused by political turmoil, and serve as a store of value. As a result, investors trade it to trade off convenience yield and risks. For other financial assets like stocks and bonds, the convenience yield can also be interpreted as a dividend stream or interest paid to their owners. The unobservable state variable Xt is a catch-all variable for whatever state variable affects the convenience yield of an asset. For example, for Bitcoin, the state variable may capture the aggregate effect of the stringency of government regulations, the likelihood of hyper-inflation in some countries, the popularity of competing cryptocurrencies, and the related technology (e.g., block-chain update speed) advancement. There is one main difference between cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and more “typical” financial assets like stocks. For the latter, investors observe not only stock prices and convenience yields, but also other value-relevant signals such as accounting statements, corporate policies, and key executives. Therefore, if we were to model typical financial assets, another signal about the state variable Xt would likely be available and relevant. It is in this sense that our model is especially tailored to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin because in our model the only source of information about the value of Bitcoin is from market price process. However, for other assets that lack easily interpreted fundamentals, such as young companies with highly uncertain growth prospects, our framework still applies.

MDVsoft commented 2 years ago

On the investors, we make the assumptions below. Assumption 2. There are two types of investors who differ by their priors about the state variable Xt and possibly initial endowment of Bitcoin.7 Type i investor is endowed with ηi ∈ (0, 1) units of Bitcoin with η1 + η2 = 1 and has a prior that X0 is normally distributed with mean Mi (0) and variance V i (0), i = 1, 2. Assumption 3. All investors have log preferences over the convenience yield provided by Bitcoin with discount rate β until time T. Specifically, the investor’s expected utility is E Z T 0 e −βt log C i tdt, where C i t denotes the convenience yield received by a Type i investor from owning Bitcoin. Denote by Ft the filtration at time t generated by the Bitcoin price process {Bs} and the prior (Mi (0), V i (0)) for all s ≤ t and i = 1, 2. Further let Mi t ≡ E[Xt |Fi t ] be the conditional expectation of Xt . Both Bitcoin prices and the locally risk-free interest rate rt are to be determined in equilibrium. We conjecture and later verify that the Bitcoin price Bt satisfies dBt Bt = (µ i tBt − δt)dt + σδBtdZˆi 1t , (3) where µ i t is an adapted stochastic process to be determined in equilibrium and Zˆi 1t is an innovation process. With Assumptions 1-3, we have Proposition 1: In an economy defined by Assumption 1-3, there exists an equilibrium, in which dBt = ((β + Mi t )Bt − δt)dt + σδBtdZˆi 1t , (4) the fraction of wealth invested in the Bitcoin by Investor 1 is 1 + αt 1 + αt M1 t − M2 t σ 2 δ ,

MDVsoft commented 2 years ago

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