ME-ICA / tedana

TE-dependent analysis of multi-echo fMRI
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Limit current adaptive mask method to brain mask #1060

Closed tsalo closed 2 months ago

tsalo commented 3 months ago

Closes #1059. I built this off of #1057, so it shares many changes.

Changes proposed in this pull request:

codecov[bot] commented 3 months ago

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handwerkerd commented 3 months ago

I haven't had a chance to do any tedana stuff today, but I'll try to get to this early next week. One quick comment. Since it's also sort-of a bug to you want to address here and "Define good echo value in adaptive mask based on last good echo for the voxel, rather than the sum of good echoes."

tsalo commented 3 months ago

I think I'd like to address that in a second PR so we can really pin down the effect of each change.

handwerkerd commented 2 months ago

Every time I look at the masking code, I notice something else that seems off. This time I think it's a function that is more flexible than documented (not an actual problem). I noticed that, for the masking code, reshape_niimg would sometimes take as input a file name, sometimes a 3D image array, and sometimes a 1D image array. I thought this was wrong and would crash on some, but it seems to work for all those conditions.

If it's a file name, it loads the file and then reshapes and if it's already a loaded image, it just uses it. If it's already 1D, it squeezes the file and is still 1D.

Not sure whether we want to update that docstring in this PR, but I figured I'd mention.

tsalo commented 2 months ago

@handwerkerd I've opened #1070 about the function.

handwerkerd commented 2 months ago

I just checked how this affects results on one of my 3-echo datasets. I'm sharing the results here so that it's logged with this PR.

I ran 25 subjects with the current main, this PR with masktype=["dropout"] and this PR with masktype=["dropout", "decay"]. I used a user-provided mask for each run. This CSV file has the results voxel_count_table.csv

Here are the maps for sub-25 (yellow is 3 good echoes, orange is 2 good echoes, and red is 1 good echo) Main: sub25_main_drop PR with dropout: sub25_PR1060_drop PR with dropout+decay: sub25_PR1060_dd

As you can see the loses seem mostly in areas where dropout is common and ventricles.

This is a bug fix and the new results are what we've indended to do for a while, so I'm fine with these changes, but I wanted to document this and we'll want to clearly highlight this change in our next release notes.

handwerkerd commented 2 months ago

Also, this turned out to be slightly more annoying to do than I expected because t2smap doesn't save the adaptive masked. I ended up pulling out the code used to create and save the adaptive mask from tedana. In case anyone else wants to play with this, here's my under-documented function:

import glob
import os
from nilearn.masking import compute_epi_mask
from tedana import (

def running_adaptive_mask(data, n_echos, mask_file, masktype, out_dir, prefix):
    """ Pulling out the code from to run and save the adaptive mask """

    catd, ref_img = io.load_data(data, n_echos=n_echos)

    io_generator = io.OutputGenerator(

    first_echo_img = io.new_nii_like(io_generator.reference_img, catd[:, 0, :])
    mask = utils.reshape_niimg(mask_file)
    # Replace this line with the one above if you want to use the auto-generated mask from within tedana
    # mask = compute_epi_mask(first_echo_img) 

    mask_denoise, masksum_denoise = utils.make_adaptive_mask(

    io_generator.save_file(masksum_denoise, "adaptive mask img")