ME-ICA / tedana

TE-dependent analysis of multi-echo fMRI
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Improve generated figures #232

Closed emdupre closed 5 years ago

emdupre commented 5 years ago

Suggestions from @handwerkerd for improving generated figures. Transferred from comment on #208.

dowdlelt commented 5 years ago

I did knock out point 2 as one of the last commits - the kappa and rho values are now included in the title, along with variance.

For point 3 - the timeseries are color coded by accepted/rejected status - but no decision tree information is provided. Not sure of the best way to do it - also no clear to me what those numbers mean, but that is likely because I haven't looked around enough.

For the bar plot to pie chart transfer - I just didn't get to this. I think a version that includes a wedge for % of variance not explained (perhaps in light grey?), in addition to the accepted, etc wedges would be good. Feel that those wedges should display both the percentage, as well as the # of comps.

Looking forward to making some more improvements.

dowdlelt commented 5 years ago

As I am dealing with different data I am noticing more issues with my slice viewer - first it will display a series of empty slices, particularly if the bounding box is large, and extends beyond the mask.

The solution would be to remove all the zero filled planes around the mask, such that the data that goes into the viewer is just limited to the masked region.

One issue if someone collects just a few slices (perhaps they are doing a visual cortex experiment) then the slicer would fail, so there would need to be a check for less than N_cuts following this.

The second big issue is that, depending on how the data were collected and processed, the slices could be sideways/upside down - ideally the program would check orientation, and have a nice rule based system for spinning the 3D matrix, such that slices always appear in a reasonable orientation.

An example of both issues can be seen here - in that the top row shows a nice superior saggital sinus artifact...sideways, and the middle row has completely empty and therefor useless slices. image

dowdlelt commented 5 years ago

Solved the first issue by adapting function from, as

def trim_edge_zeros(arr):
    mask = arr!=0
    bounding_box = tuple(
                         slice(np.min(indexes), np.max(indexes) + 1)
                         for indexes in np.where(mask))
    return arr[bounding_box]

I am going to test more, before opening pull request - it is also such a small change, kind of want to add a few other features first.

dowdlelt commented 5 years ago

Idea for variance explained pie plot goes something like this:


Where each outer wedge shows the total variance explained, and then breaks down on the inner circle more wedges by each individual components var_expl. In this way you can see the total variance, and then observe that only one or two components (like low freq drift) is contributing it. In addition, the unexplained variance will be quickly visible via the size of the white space. Less pac man like it preferable.

I have to test it against real data rather than this made up business, but if anyone has a strong opinion about it I'm all ears (@handwerkerd ,perhaps)

dowdlelt commented 5 years ago


With real data, there is a complication in that white spacing between inner wedge ends up becoming just white space if there are too many comps, ex: image

This can be fixed by removing the edgecolor = 'w' argument, but that makes the borders somewhat indistinct between different components. So, I randomly shuffle the colormap lists and that highlights boundaries. image

I love this because you can see right away that one rejected components is ~50% of all the variance in the data!

Note that the components explained 100% of the variance in this case, hence the note in the bottom. If unexplained variance is larger, for example 16.7%, the graph looks like so: image

Fun Saturday distraction. I'll likely replace the bar graph with this. Last problem I would like to focus on is provenance for rejection, and colormap. I figure color map can be passed as text after --png , as in --png bone in the tedana call but I just have to sort that out.

Rejection reason can just be text plopped on, say, the upper right of the current timeseries figures. Perhaps a Sunday Funday for that.

tsalo commented 5 years ago

The figures look beautiful.

A few thoughts:

Original thermal noise component: comp_029

Same component, orthogonalized: comp_029

dowdlelt commented 5 years ago

@tsalo thanks for the feedback! Thats heaps of information!

Regarding adding bands to the fft plot - I'm of two minds. I like the idea of highlighting areas of typical resting state freqs, but I'm not sure how much value it would add. Perhaps that should just be mentioned in the documentation, that way if someone goes through the effort to use a non default step (--png), they will encounter information there?

Regarding orth - that is a concern. I hadn't messed with that setting, so I had completely missed that. Thanks for bringing it up. I think it may be worth saving the old table in general for purposes of troubleshooting. orig_meicamix.txt or somesuch. Thoughts? I haven't looked through that code yet - could the visualization step just be moved up in the processing stream?

Thanks for all the other information, I would have never sorted out most of that on my on, or even thought to try. I'll start working on this in a bit.

dowdlelt commented 5 years ago

Changes all made, excluding the lingering orth issue - opening pull request