ME1312 / SubServers-2

SubServers – The Minecraft Server Management Platform
Apache License 2.0
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subserver client not working and a stack trace #49

Closed compieter-gh closed 4 years ago

compieter-gh commented 4 years ago

Plugins (21): BanItem, ChatCo, ClearLag, Ersatz, IllegalStack, LuckPerms, PlaceholderAPI, ProtocolLib, ServerAge, SkinsRestorer, Skript, Skungee, SubServers-Client-Bukkit, TAB, Vault, ViaBackwards, ViaRewind, ViaRewindPotions, ViaVersion, Votifier, WorldEdit

[00:37:27 INFO]: SubServers > These are the platforms and versions that are running SubServers.Bungee: [00:37:27 INFO]: Linux 4.15.0-76-generic [x64], [00:37:27 INFO]: Java 11.0.6 [x64], [00:37:27 INFO]: Waterfall git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.15-SNAPSHOT:a16947e:318, [00:37:27 INFO]: SubServers.Bungee v2.15a revision 3 (20w04a) [00:37:27 INFO]: [00:37:27 INFO]: You are on the latest version.

[00:28:38 INFO]: creative_anarchy > ComPieter issued server command: /sub restart creative [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > java.lang.IllegalStateException: There are no lang options available at this time [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > at net.ME1312.SubServers.Client.Bukkit.SubCommand.execute( [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.PlayerConnection.handleCommand( [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.PlayerConnection.a( [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a( [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a( [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils.lambda$ensureMainThread$0( [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > at [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeTask( [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.IAsyncTaskHandlerReentrant.executeTask(SourceFile:23) [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeNext( [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > at [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.MinecraftServer.executeNext( [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.awaitTasks( [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.MinecraftServer.sleepForTick( [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > at [00:28:38 WARN]: creative_anarchy > at java.base/

ME1312 commented 4 years ago

This issue is usually caused by the initial attempt (and subsequent attempts) at a SubData connection failing, thus denying the plugin from downloading lang options. For a more specific description of the problem, you can scroll up in your logs to when the connection was being made. (It's probably right after the server finished starting.)

If you are trying to add SubServers.Client to an existing server, make sure you have read the installation instructions.

compieter-gh commented 4 years ago

hmm i restarted the server and now it downloaded the lang settings maybe this isn't caused by an plugin maybe it's my linux server or could it be that starting all the servers at once when i first start subservers that it oveloads subdata with connections? i am going to investigate further.

[17:36:25 INFO]: creative_anarchy > SubServers > Loading SubServers.Client.Bukkit v2.15a Libraries (for Minecraft 1.15.2) [17:36:25 ERROR]: creative_anarchy > [Votifier] Votifier was not able to bind to / [17:36:25 INFO]: creative_anarchy > SubData > RSA Encryption Available [17:36:25 INFO]: creative_anarchy > SubData > [17:36:25 INFO]: creative_anarchy > SubData > Connecting to / [17:36:28 INFO]: creative_anarchy > SubData > Logged into / [17:36:29 INFO]: creative_anarchy > SubData > Lang Settings Downloaded

compieter-gh commented 4 years ago

@ME1312 this issue seems too happen only when i start all 10 servers at once when i restart one server after that for example hub it's just works fine if you want i can send the whole startup log based on what im seening it connects too the server and it downloads the lang setting but then says it didn't download it very wierd issue

ME1312 commented 4 years ago

There isn't a whole lot I can do if the lang settings are reporting that they have indeed downloaded, since if it didn't it would definitely throw an error instead.

The best option then is probably just to space the servers out a bit so they don't run into each other. This can be done with Run-On-Launch-Timeout.

compieter-gh commented 4 years ago

Thanks I will try that

compieter-gh commented 4 years ago

[07:31:56] [SubServers.Bungee::Internal_Log_Spooler(creative_anarchy)/INFO]: creative_anarchy > SubData > Connected to / [07:31:56] [SubServers.Bungee::Internal_Log_Spooler(creative_anarchy)/ERROR]: creative_anarchy > SubData > Pipe not connected [07:31:56] [SubServers.Bungee::Internal_Log_Spooler(creative_anarchy)/INFO]: creative_anarchy > at [07:31:56] [SubServers.Bungee::Internal_Log_Spooler(creative_anarchy)/INFO]: creative_anarchy > at [07:31:56] [SubServers.Bungee::Internal_Log_Spooler(creative_anarchy)/INFO]: creative_anarchy > at net.ME1312.SubData.Client.SubDataClient.lambda$null$2( [07:31:56] [SubServers.Bungee::Internal_Log_Spooler(creative_anarchy)/INFO]: creative_anarchy > at [07:31:56] [SubServers.Bungee::Internal_Log_Spooler(creative_anarchy)/INFO]: creative_anarchy > [07:31:56] [SubServers.Bungee::Internal_Log_Spooler(creative_anarchy)/WARN]: creative_anarchy > SubData > Disconnected from / UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION [07:31:56] [SubServers.Bungee::Internal_Log_Spooler(creative_anarchy)/INFO]: creative_anarchy > SubData > Attempting reconnect in 30 seconds

[07:31:55] [SubDataServer::Data_Listener(/]: SubData > / has disconnected: CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED

yep it failed again with 30 sec start timeout maybe longer time out or something else

compieter-gh commented 4 years ago

also failed with 60 secs timeout :/ this was after it finished starting the hub

[07:42:51 INFO]: hub > SubData > Connected to / [07:42:51 ERROR]: hub > SubData > Pipe not connected [07:42:51 INFO]: hub > at [07:42:51 INFO]: hub > at [07:42:51 INFO]: hub > at net.ME1312.SubData.Client.SubDataClient.lambda$null$2( [07:42:51 INFO]: hub > at [07:42:51 INFO]: hub > [07:42:51 WARN]: hub > [ViaVersion] You are running a development version, please report any bugs to GitHub. [07:42:51 WARN]: hub > SubData > Disconnected from / UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION

hmmm wierd i tried to do /sub and it took like 30 secs too open but it seems too work now imma just wait on your feedback here's the info of my waterfall

[07:48:50 INFO]: SubServers > These are the platforms and versions that are running SubServers.Bungee: [07:48:50 INFO]: Linux 4.15.0-76-generic [x64], [07:48:50 INFO]: Java 1.8.0_242 [x64], [07:48:50 INFO]: Waterfall git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.15-SNAPSHOT:a16947e:318, [07:48:50 INFO]: SubServers.Bungee v2.15a revision 3 (20w04a)

and the paper version that im running is 1.15.2 build 99 for all servers

the next step is what i'm going too do is reinstall ubuntu server 18.04.3 and setup everything again had too do that anyway cause of old stuff etc

ME1312 commented 4 years ago

It seems that issue (specifically) was that an internal SubData thread was started too quickly the first time. As for why it works 30 seconds later, that's just because it tried reconnecting again (which is normal) and didn't run into that problem.

The latest snapshot of SubServers has a change that may prevent this from happening in the future. Although it uses a newer revision of SubData all together, so make sure to update all the apps to this version if you're trying it out.

compieter-gh commented 4 years ago

Okay thanks it's fixed now i updated subservers and had too update the subservers.client on every server too but now it indeed doesn't seem to run into that problem