ME1312 / SubServers-2

SubServers – The Minecraft Server Management Platform
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Compatibility issue with MiniMotd #56

Closed wysohn closed 3 years ago

wysohn commented 3 years ago

Platform Information

13:11:01 [INFO] Linux 4.15.0-122-generic [x64], 13:11:01 [INFO] Java 1.8.0_272 [x64], 13:11:01 [INFO] BungeeCord git:BungeeCord-Bootstrap:1.16-R0.4-SNAPSHOT:9c078b7:1539, 13:11:01 [INFO] SubServers.Bungee v2.16a (20w26d) 13:11:01 [INFO] 13:11:01 [INFO] You are on the latest version.

What Happened

We've recently found this plugin, which shows some fancy RGB motd, yet using this with SubServers, it doesn't work.

All I can see is the message, Cannot connect to the server, yet I still can connect to server without problem. Does SubServer has something to do with the motd packet?

The plugin works without problem if I start the bungeecord directly, but problem happens when I use it indirectly through SubServer.

How It Happened

Drop the plugin in the plugins folder

Additional Information

ME1312 commented 3 years ago

To be frank, I'm not really sure what's going on here. Something appears to be failing silently.

SubServers does not alter the implementation of BungeeCord packets. As for the MOTDs themselves, while there are a few scenarios where SubServers will provide its own MOTD, there is plenty of room for plugins to serve their modifications. ServerListPlus is a good example of such functionality.

wysohn commented 3 years ago

Well, that's why I conducted an experiment excluding all plugins, except the MiniMotd because at first, I suspected other plugin interfering with the Motd. However, I had no luck finding out what's going on either. It's very strange since I don't really see some straight forward reason why this is happening.

Have you tried the plugin yourself? If it actually works in your environment, then it sounds like I have some configuration that I am not aware of is causing the problem. But as far as I tested, it doesn't happen with the bungeecord itself, but it happens when I used it with SubServers.

Many thanks!

ME1312 commented 3 years ago

I was able to replicate this issue on the test network. Interestingly, SubServers has no problem forwarding the MOTD from a server using ping_passthrough, but won't display it when running natively.

SubServers hasn't had any other issues related to the new hex color codes. I also confirmed that SubServers' possible MOTD suggestions and overrides are not the cause of this issue by testing with both ProxyPingEvent listeners completely removed.

ME1312 commented 3 years ago

It seems the dev has given this issue the good ol' "wtf is subservers lol i'm not fixing this" treatment, even going as far as locking the thread, which is pretty unfortunate. Such are the things I have to deal with as a niche software developer.

>MiniMOTD emits proper json I find this quote to be particularly hilarious considering the problem is that it isn't actually emitting any JSON, but whatever.

The last thing I had to check for was some dependency versioning issues, but as expected, there's no problem there. Looks like we'll be filing this one under unsolved mysteries for the time being.

wysohn commented 3 years ago

I may have to fork my own version then :(

Thank you for the investigation!