ME1312 / SubServers-2

SubServers – The Minecraft Server Management Platform
Apache License 2.0
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Load Balancing with SubServers #68

Open zerochill-1 opened 2 years ago

zerochill-1 commented 2 years ago

What Should Be Added

Ability to transfer a Subserver from one host to another.

Why It Should be Added

Load balancing, transferring Subserver files without needing to reload/restart

What's The Alternative

Manually copying and pasting the files, then editing config.yml among other files, then restarting Subservers.bungee

ME1312 commented 2 years ago

I don't really see this being added to SubServers in a direct fashion, to be honest.

I have previously stated that anything that modifies the server manager's general behavior should probably exist as a plugin — and load balancing features definitely fall into that category. Additionally, I expect that different plugins will have different requirements in transferring server data, so I don't think introducing a generic server transfer packet wouldn't be helpful, here.

I may implement this myself in the future, but in the meantime, I will be altering this thread slightly and leaving it open so that any interested developers can take note of it. Load balancing would definitely be nice to have.