ME1312 / VanillaCord

VanillaCord – IP Forwarding support for Vanilla Minecraft Servers
Mozilla Public License 2.0
75 stars 11 forks source link

multiplayer.disconnect.incompatible #13

Closed quiquelhappy closed 2 years ago

quiquelhappy commented 2 years ago

Hello again! I've setup my bungeecord with the latest avaialble build, plus the latest available viaversion build (I know I shouldnt need it, but the protocol doesnt seem to be natively supported by bungeecord). I'm getting the error multiplayer.disconnect.incompatible upon connecting. I'm not sure if this is caused by bungeecord or vanillacord :).

I can't see any messages on my vanillacord server upon connecting, but on my bungeecord server I get:

[19:33:32 INFO]: [/xxx:55056] <-> InitialHandler has connected
[19:33:33 INFO]: [quiquelhappy|/xxx:55056] <-> ServerConnector [simply] has connected
[19:33:33 INFO]: [quiquelhappy] disconnected with: Kicked whilst connecting to simply: multiplayer.disconnect.incompatible
[19:33:33 WARN]: [quiquelhappy|/xxx:55056] <-> ServerConnector [simply] - NativeIoException: readAddress(..) failed: Connection reset by peer
[19:33:33 INFO]: [/xxx:55056|quiquelhappy] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected
[19:33:33 INFO]: [quiquelhappy|/xxx:55056] <-> ServerConnector [simply] has disconnected

and on the client I see image

Im sorry to bug you if this is a bungeecord-related issue, just wanted to make sure Im setting up everything correctly. ip forwarding is enabled on my bungeecord server, my bungeecord server and subservers are set with online-mode = true.

ME1312 commented 2 years ago

People suggest this often, but I simply cannot get the "ViaVersion-DEV" protocol to actually work on either platform. It is very possible that I could just be doing it wrong, but I've given up trying.

VanillaCord's snapshot compatibility is typically validated with Velocity Future, but it requires you to get your hands dirty just to get a build that will last you all of one snapshot version. It's not exactly a user-friendly experience, but it works. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

quiquelhappy commented 2 years ago

yep, that was it, thank you so much!