ME1312 / VanillaCord

VanillaCord – IP Forwarding support for Vanilla Minecraft Servers
Mozilla Public License 2.0
75 stars 11 forks source link

Timeout on join after update to 1.20.5 #24

Closed github-nachtschelm closed 2 months ago

github-nachtschelm commented 2 months ago

What Happened

Not sure whether bug or not: I'm hosting two minecraft vanilla servers (raspi pi5) behind velocity proxy (pi4b) for my kids. On 1.20.4 with whitelists in place everything went well and smoothly. After updating both servers to 1.20.5 I am unable to connect. I am stuck on "joining world" until a timeout happens, regardless if I'm whitelisted or whitelist is disabled at all.

What I did:

Velocity console:

[02:04:33 INFO]: [connected player] [Player Name] (/[IP]:[Port]) has connected [02:04:33 INFO]: [server connection] [Player Name] -> [MC-Server] has connected [02:05:03 INFO]: [connected player] [Player Name] (/[IP]:[Port]) has disconnected [02:05:03 INFO]: [server connection] [Player Name] -> [MC-Server] has disconnected

MC server console:

[02:05:03] [Server thread/INFO]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@[Profile Guid],name=[Player Name],properties={textures=[Property[name=textures, value=[some key], signature=[some other key]] lost connection: Disconnected

Any advice would behighly appreciated.

Cheers, Michael


Current velocity settings work flawlessly with minecraft server 1.20.4 vanila Cord.

ME1312 commented 2 months ago

Well, fortunately, I didn't encounter any trouble joining a server that had been updated from 1.20.4, which means the bug had been fixed after this issue was created. You can apply this fix by updating velocity again.

github-nachtschelm commented 2 months ago

You, sir, are my personal MVP. Worked like a charm. Kids are happy again. Thank you very much!