MEGA65 / m65connect

Cross-Platform Remote Interaction Tool for the MEGA65
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Switch to coretool (replacing bit2*) #22

Open lydon42 opened 6 days ago

lydon42 commented 6 days ago

mega65-tools has a new replacement for bit2cor and bit2mcs named coretool. In the future I would like to deprecated the old tools (so that we don't have to maintain multiple tools doing the same thing) and move to coretool completely. To allow this, m65connect should also use coretool instead of the old tools.

If you can give me the calls m65connect is using I can translate them to the cmdline of coretool for you. But I would also appreciate someone else reading the documentation (--help) I wrote, as this might find any lingering errors I did not catch.

Note: coretool is written in python and requires at least python 3.8

lydon42 commented 6 days ago

Is the requirement of python 3.8 bad? I don't think so, as we are talking about people who just build a bitstream, and building a bitstream also requires a python installation to work. So the python requirement should be already satisfied.

Taygair commented 3 days ago

Imho: Yes, it's bad, further dependency, further tool installation. That's the opposite of what I always had in mind with M65Connect: One tool for everything, no hassle, no other tool installation, just start and work with it (yes there are the tools like m65, mega65_ftp, ...but they come along with M65Connect, so the user doesn't have to care about). I totally understand your tech path change but would then also consider to remove the tool use when they are no more working in M65Connect. I can argue they are dev related and M65Connect is a user not a dev tool.