MEGA65 / mega65-core

MEGA65 FPGA core
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Weird color line fragments in 640x400 16 color graphic mode #701

Closed sir-lazarus closed 1 year ago

sir-lazarus commented 1 year ago

Tested on a real Mega65 with ROM 920377 and ROM 920383 in PAL Mode Batch 2 Release Core

When I draw text or lines in a Basic program with Basic commands like the following:

10 SCREEN 640,400,4 20 FOR C=1 TO 16 30 PEN C-1 : CHAR 10, C*8,1,1,2,"THIS IS A TEXT EXAMPLE" : NEXT C 40 BOX 0,0,200,150 50 GETKEY a$ 60 SCREEN CLOSE

I got weird color fragments at the text and lines. The same code and rom on the Mega65 Emulator works fine with no issue. So I assume a core problem.

lydon42 commented 1 year ago

Duplicate to #689