MEGA65 / mega65-core

MEGA65 FPGA core
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Configuration: Explicit option to disable auto-mounting #727

Open dansanderson opened 10 months ago

dansanderson commented 10 months ago

You can use the Configuration Utility to set whether a virtual disk image or the internal 3.5" floppy drive is auto-mounted (and auto-booted, if a disk is present and bootable). If Chipset: F011 Disk Controller is set ot 3.5" Floppy Drive, it auto-mounts the drive. If set to SDCard Disk Image, it auto-mounts the virtual disk image set in the Default Disk Image field.

There is no explicit option to disable all auto-mounting. Currently, if Default Disk Image is set to an empty value, it silently defaults to MEGA65.D81. The only way to fully disable auto-mounting is to use the SD card settings and either remove or rename the MEGA65.D81 file from the SD card or set the Default Disk Image to a non-existent filename. None of these behaviors are intuitive.

Suggestion: Rename "F011 Disk Controller" to "Default disk drive," and add a "None" option. Bonus points: reposition the "Default Disk Image" field so it is clearer that it only applies when "SDCard Disk Image" is selected.

      [] 3.5" FLOPPY DRIVE
      [] NONE