MEGA65 / mega65-core

MEGA65 FPGA core
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CONFIGURE: MAC address typed in is not correctly mangled #787

Closed lydon42 closed 1 month ago

lydon42 commented 4 months ago

It seems that while typing in a MAC address in the config tool, the address is not set correctly to unicast local (first octet x2, x6, xA, xE -- (mac[0] | 0x02) & 0xfe), but instead the third bytes high nybble is changed in some other way. And you only see it after you change the page.

The MAC randomizer works as it should.

Change configure so that mac address only allows 2,6,a,e in the low nybble of the first octet. Make it that the user directly sees this change and does not have to change config pages.

lydon42 commented 4 months ago

Entering 11-11-1A, press U, and you get 12-11-3A. The change of 11 to 12 is the one expected, the change of the third byte should not happen. If you enter 11-11-1A, then switch pages, you will get 11-11-3A, so the required change is not done.

lydon42 commented 4 months ago

Checked ethernet.vhdl: here nothing is changed on the numbers that are put into it.

M3wP commented 4 months ago

I have found the bug causing the value of "3A" to appear. However, limiting the user input for the first byte's low nybble is a new functional requirement. I need further information to clarify the request. Should I simply limit the user to inputting only those characters ('2', '6', 'A', 'E') or change any other input as per the routine to convert the value to LOCAL ADMIN UNICAST? I believe at this stage that only allowing specific data would be best but the cause of input failure may not be immediately obvious to the user. There is currently no mechanism for the configure program to indicate an input rejection nor a means of noting acceptable input other than the help page and tips.

M3wP commented 4 months ago


Perhaps this is a solution but the extra "buttons" are selectable even though they do nothing...