MEGA65 / mega65-user-guide

MEGA65 User Guide
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Get build notifications working for mega65-userguide (Discord? Email?) #340

Open gurcei opened 2 years ago

gurcei commented 2 years ago

It'd be good if we got either emails or discord bot chat notifications from travis whenever our manual builds go from green-to-red (and perhaps from red-to-green too).

I haven't got time to dig into those possibilities, but there's probably details on how to configure it here:

dansanderson commented 1 month ago

We use Jenkins now. From what I've read online, email notifications are a built-in feature, assuming we have access to an SMTP service. There's something about user-configurable job notifications, but I can't tell just from docs whether this can be a per-use project-wide setting, i.e. "send me email whenever this project has a failed build," or just something the user can click on per job. (If enabled, a user can request a notification for a job from the job page, and manage their subscriptions from settings.)

There's also a separate Email Extension Plugin where emailext can be a pipeline > post > failure task. Also not sure if this is user-subscribeable, but the config talks about "recipient providers."

pipeline {
  post {
    failure {
      emailext body: 'Body', recipientProviders: [[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider']], subject: 'Subject'

There's a Discord notifier plugin for Jenkins also, which might actually be more our speed, so contributors don't all need Jenkins accounts:

I'll leave it to @lydon42 's discretion given the sysadmin overhead.