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Ping is absent when interfaces are configured as L2 or L3 lag #4

Closed xivamar closed 7 years ago

xivamar commented 7 years ago

Problem Description:

Ping is absent when interfaces are configured as L2 or L3 lag

OpenSwitch version:

OpenSwitch 0.4.0 (Build: appliance-ops-0.4.0-master-20161007085740-dev) OpenSwitch 1.0.0 (Build: appliance-ops-1.0.0-rel/dill-20161003142541-dev)

Test Topology:


Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Configure DUTs as in attached file.
  2. Check adjacency via show lacp interfaces on DUT2:

    switch# show lacp interfaces
    State abbreviations :
    A - Active        P - Passive      F - Aggregable I - Individual
    S - Short-timeout L - Long-timeout N - InSync     O - OutofSync
    C - Collecting    D - Distributing 
    X - State m/c expired              E - Default neighbor state
    Actor details of all interfaces:
    Intf Aggregate Port    Port     Key  State   System-id         System   Aggr    
    name      id      Priority                                Priority Key     
    eth2 lag12     9       1        12   ALFNCD  70:72:cf:0e:80:1a 65534    12      
    eth1 lag12     5       1        12   ALFNCD  70:72:cf:0e:80:1a 65534    12      
    Partner details of all interfaces:
    Intf Aggregate Partner Port     Key  State   System-id         System   Aggr    
        name      Port-id Priority                                Priority Key     
    eth2 lag12     9       1        12   ALFNCD  70:72:cf:ea:da:40 65534    12      
    eth1 lag12     5       1        12   ALFNCD  70:72:cf:ea:da:40 65534    12      
  3. Try to sent ping. - NOK: Ping is absent


kontorschikov commented 7 years ago


OpenSwitch needs Linux bonding driver loaded in order to create LAGs (

Please try loading the driver on the host OS by using command "modprobe bonding" before starting the test case.

xivamar commented 7 years ago


Should user load bonding driver himself? Is it correct behaver?

root@switch:~# modprobe bonding
root@switch:~# lsmod | grep bonding
root@switch:~# modinfo bonding
modinfo: ERROR: Module alias bonding not found.

The test result is as in issue.

kontorschikov commented 7 years ago


The command should be used on the host OS (i.e. Ubuntu) since the docker container uses host OS kernel.

xivamar commented 7 years ago


    marina@ubuntu:~$ sudo modprobe bonding
    [sudo] password for marina: 
    marina@ubuntu:~$  lsmod | grep bonding
    bonding               139264  0 

Now ping is present in both cases (L2 or L3 lag). And ifconfig output contains lag entries:

    root@switch:~#ip netns exec swns ifconfig
    lag12     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 70:72:CF:AF:66:07
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              RX packets:23 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:25 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:2382  TX bytes:2568

    lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
              inet addr:  Mask:
              UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
              RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1
              RX bytes:0  TX bytes:0

xivamar commented 7 years ago

Issue has been fixed including some additional matter