We will need to know what the audience is for the first round of usability testing, how we will recruit them, and how we will compensate them before we begin testing. User testing participants should include those outside of PPJ. The recruitment process should address potential challenges with participants' willingness and ability to participate. Alternative forms of compensation should be explored in place of gift cards.
Collaborate and consult with others involved at MSU and MDPx to determine the audience for usability testing and create a plan for recruitment and compensation. Once all details are defined, include these in the IRB submission.
To Do / Acceptance Criteria
[x] SEV will talk to Marianne T. about compensation for users
[ ] SEV will talk to Shelby about desired users
[ ] SEV will talk to Scott about data storage for this project
[ ] SEV will design a recruitment protocol and work on it with Shelby
[x] SEV will attend MDPx meeting(s) to ask others about usability testing
We will need to know what the audience is for the first round of usability testing, how we will recruit them, and how we will compensate them before we begin testing. User testing participants should include those outside of PPJ. The recruitment process should address potential challenges with participants' willingness and ability to participate. Alternative forms of compensation should be explored in place of gift cards.
Collaborate and consult with others involved at MSU and MDPx to determine the audience for usability testing and create a plan for recruitment and compensation. Once all details are defined, include these in the IRB submission.
To Do / Acceptance Criteria
Review Checklist
Accessibility Checklist