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spatially-resolved ESM-specific multi-scenario initial-condition ensemble emulator
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why are tas residuals "local variability" and not "local trend"? #208

Open mathause opened 2 years ago

mathause commented 2 years ago

"gvtas" (or gv_novolc_T_s or the tas residuals after smoothing/ removing volcanic spikes) is a predictor for the local trend ( However, afterwards it is counted towards the local variability (and not the local trend).

I kind of get why this is done - it's not a "trend" - but also a bit confusing & more difficult to code. I wonder if there is a practical difference. E.g. to find the local variability both are subtracted from the actual data:

I.e. for this is seems to make no difference. I need to check the creation of emulations - are the tas residuals a forcing for the emulations?

Ok, "coef_gvtas" is part of the "mesmer bundle" but under local variability (bundle["params_lv"]['coef_gvtas']). So I assume (for the moment) it is mostly a semantic difference and not a practical one.

cc @leabeusch

leabeusch commented 1 year ago

& hi also on this at least a tiny bit less long on-GitHub-not-answered-to issue. šŸ˜… To finally put it into writing as well: the reason for this special separation is a mismatch between scientific conceptual needs (wanting to separate ā€œforced responseā€ processes from ā€œinternal variabilityā€ processes) & computational needs (maximizing the overall statistical fit by using a single multiple regression containing predictors addressing various processes, since worse statistical fits would be obtained if e.g., separate linear regressions were carried out for the different processes). My pragmatic - although not too satisfying ā€“ solution was to fit a single multiple linear regression (to fulfil the computational needs) but store the resulting calibrated regression coefficients in process-specific dictionaries (to fulfil the conceptual scientific needs)-> i.e., train_lt() returns params_lt(), which contains the forced response parameters (i.e., the intercepts & the regression coefficients for the forced response), & params_lv(), which contains the regression coefficients for the global variability. The params_lv() dictionary later on gets extended with the parameters needed to statistically model the residual local variability (i.e., parameters for AR(1) processes with spatially correlated innovations) through the train_lv() function (maybe a more suitable name for this function would be: train_residual_lv()?!). & this train_lv() function takes as target entry the residual local variability, which is obtained ā€“ as shown in your code excerpt above - by subtracting from tas (here tas_s[scen]) all the temperature anomaly contributions that can be explained with the multiple linear regression (i.e., lt_s[scen][ā€œtasā€] for the forced response part and lv_gv_s[scen][ā€œtasā€] for the local variability induced by global variability part). When subsequently creating new local variability emulations, the local variability induced by global variability part is driven by the - also stochastically ā€“ created global variability emulations. The residual variability part on the other hand doesnā€™t require additional predictors, since itā€™s fully stochastically created from its AR(1) parameters.

As you can see, itā€™s unfortunately messy for a good reason. If you have any ideas for a clearner solution that also fits both conceptional scientific & computational needs, thatā€™d be fantastic @mathause! šŸ˜„

Also: just as a reminder, for your new MESMER implementation, Iā€™d really welcome a name change from ā€œtrendā€ to ā€œforced_responseā€ (since you made me aware that ā€œtrendā€ is a misleading name for what it represents šŸ˜‰). This renaming already took place within the papers (both the MAGICC-MESMER coupling & the major emitters study use the term ā€œforced responseā€) but I never introduced it into the code (& I think you havenā€™t either so far?).

mathause commented 1 year ago


If you have any ideas for a cleaner solution that also fits both conceptional scientific & computational needs

Unfortunately I don't - so far.

Iā€™d really welcome a name change from ā€œtrendā€ to ā€œforced_responseā€

Good point and this has indeed not been done so far.

When creating emulations did you usually use the tas residuals as forcing?

mathause commented 1 year ago

So the "new" approach is currently:

predictors = {
    "tas_globmean": [tas_hist_globmean_smooth_volc, tas_proj_smooth],
    "tas_globmean_resid": [tas_hist_resid_novolc.tas, tas_proj_resid.tas],

lr = mesmer.stats.linear_regression.LinearRegression()
    dim="time",  # switch to sample?

This will have to become:

pred_local_trend = {
    "tas_globmean": [tas_hist_globmean_smooth_volc, tas_proj_smooth],

pred_local_var = {
    "tas_globmean": [tas_hist_globmean_smooth_volc, tas_proj_smooth],
    "tas_globmean_resid": [tas_hist_resid_novolc.tas, tas_proj_resid.tas],


(where the func name has to be defined.