METIS-Project / ILDE

Master Repository for the ILDE Platform
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Suggestion #150

Open metis-guest opened 10 years ago

metis-guest commented 10 years ago

I find the menu system very difficult to use, and applaud the introduction of Projects as I think that has the opportunity to resolve this. However, I would go further. I would remove the menu almost completely and work only with projects. I would make the names of the purple boxes configurable, so that each implementing site could call things by familiar names. For example, WebCollage is great for designing the way a class will operate, and I would call this "class design". There is no point in my having to learn the term "Web Collage". Just have a button labeled "Class design". Yes, it would be Web Collage, but I don't need to know that. Only using the Project screen to access relevant individual ILDE entries, rather than selecting the tool first, would be like using Windows instead of DOS. Potential problems with using one ILDE entry for multiple projects could be addressed with the excellent Duplicates system (with perhaps the addition of pointers, i.e. "Duplicate but link"). PDR-UoL