METIS-Project / ILDE

Master Repository for the ILDE Platform
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Implement anonymous getting of courses #3

Closed lprisan closed 11 years ago

lprisan commented 11 years ago

i.e. without creating a /learningEnvironment first.


javierht commented 11 years ago

It returns a JSON (or an XML) with a "learning-environment" structure with the following information: type, accessLocation, creduser, credsecret (as provided in the request), internalTools, externalTools, courses

The LE 'id' and 'name' are unknown by Glue!PS, so they aren't provided

JSON format example:

{"type":"Moodle","accessLocation":"","creduser":"javierhtUser","credsecret":"javierhtPassword","internalTools":{"http://localhost:8287/GLUEPSManager/learningEnvironments/null/tools/assignment":"Assignment (Moodle)","http://localhost:8287/GLUEPSManager/learningEnvironments/null/tools/chat":"Chat (Moodle)"},"externalTools":{"19":"AR Image","17":"Doodle"},"courses":{"95":"Orienteering in Las Moreras","94":"prueba2-bucket"},"showAr":true}

javierht commented 11 years ago
