MF64-AnEngieMain / TF2-Weapon-Generator-2.0

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[enhancement] class filters #9

Open asthonman opened 3 years ago

asthonman commented 3 years ago

TF2 has a LOT of item attributes. So many, in fact, that the 3 categories of positive, negative, and absolute aren't enough to narrow them down to a manageable level. Furthermore, many of these attributes are attributed to a specific class or weapon type; for instance, a Sniper zoom penalty would make no sense for a Heavy primary.

So, I was thinking; why not add a class filter? To do this, we need only add a new "class" variable to the attributes.json file, and of course reference said variable in the code for the attribute drop-down menus. We'd also need a dropdown menu for the class filter itself. Now, there are also a good deal of variables that apply to any class, so the attribute "class" variable should have 10 values: a 0 for "any class," and 1-9 for the class exclusive values. a 0 value would exempt the attribute from being affected by the class filter.