MFlowCode / MFC

Exascale simulation of multiphase/physics fluid dynamics
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Add the ability to benchmark locally #416

Closed sbryngelson closed 1 month ago

sbryngelson commented 1 month ago

Add the ability to run ./ bench (or a variant) from a local computer.

I'm currently running ./ bench —o name_here, which "benchmarks" the benchmark cases on your local copy and writes the output to name_here, but it doesn't clone the master branch and compare against that.

We would probably want to add an additional benchmark flag for local benchmarking because I think the above version is used in CI. So, something like ./ bench --local would do the trick.

henryleberre commented 1 month ago

The intention was that you run ./ bench on a reference branch/commit and use the resulting benchmark file thereafter. I am not sure that implementing this automation is worth the cost. It feels easier to use this method. Your automation script would have to use git merge-base between the current branch and upstream to find the "reference" official commit.

sbryngelson commented 1 month ago

This seems reasonable, though I'm not sure I understand fully what you mean. I see that doing a git call and re-running everything is a burden that most probably do not want. I guess you're saying that one should clone two branches or forks, then run ./ bench on both and compare the output yourself?

henryleberre commented 1 month ago

This seems reasonable, though I'm not sure I understand fully what you mean. I see that doing a git call and re-running everything is a burden that most probably do not want. I guess you're saying that one should clone two branches or forks, then run ./ bench on both and compare the output yourself?

Yes that is pretty much what I was saying. You checkout master once, run ./ bench and keep the results in a file named something like "bench-master.yml". Thereafter, you use ./ bench and ./ bench to compare your tree against master (using the benchmark file generated earlier).

I was also trying to say that writing a script that automates this process would actually need to handle a few edge cases that might be burdensome to enumerate, discover, and handle.

sbryngelson commented 1 month ago

Got it - I agree. Closing.