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Refactor m_checker #488

Closed ChrisZYJ closed 6 days ago

ChrisZYJ commented 1 week ago


This PR closes #484 and partially resolves #482.

Issue #484 : As I was improving the checker logic and make the error messages more meaningful, I realized there were many confusing and overlapping conditions, as well as code duplications both within files and across the m_checker.f files in pre_process, simulation, and post_process. This is an attempt to clean everything up by refactoring the code:

  1. Exact common checks by pre_process, simulation, and post_process into src/common/m_checker_common.fpp
  2. Group checks into subroutines
  3. Rewrote all error messages so they are clear regarding what the problem is (including m_check_patches.fpp)
  4. Improve check logic
  5. Remove code duplication using fpp

So after extracting common checks by the three stages, simplifying logic, and refactoring:

and that's with adding many more error messages.

Issue #482 : This would be a simple search and replace as the functions to compare floating point numbers are already in place. However, 107 changes across 17 files are required, so I think it's cleaner to do this in a separate PR.

Examples of changes

1. Make code more concise


if (fd_order /= dflt_int &
    .and. &
    fd_order /= 1 .and. fd_order /= 2 .and. fd_order /= 4) then
    call s_mpi_abort('Unsupported choice for the value of '// &
                     'fd_order. Exiting ...')
end if


if (all(fd_order /= (/dflt_int, 1, 2, 4/))) then
    call s_mpi_abort('fd_order must be 1, 2, or 4. Exiting ...')
end if

2. Reduce redundant logic: the (n == 0 .and. p /= 0) case is caught elsewhere


if (n == 0 .and. mom_wrt(2)) then
    call s_mpi_abort('Unsupported choice of the combination of '// &
                     'values for n and mom_wrt(2). Exiting ...')
elseif (n == 0 .and. mom_wrt(3)) then
    call s_mpi_abort('Unsupported cohice of the combination of '// &
                     'values for n and mom_wrt(3). Exiting ...')
elseif (p == 0 .and. mom_wrt(3)) then
    call s_mpi_abort('Unsupported choice of the combination of '// &
                     'values for p and mom_wrt(3). Exiting ...')


if (n == 0 .and. mom_wrt(2)) then
    call s_mpi_abort('mom_wrt(2) is not supported for n = 0. Exiting ...')
elseif (p == 0 .and. mom_wrt(3)) then
    call s_mpi_abort('mom_wrt(3) is not supported for p = 0. Exiting ...')
end if

3. Abstraction using fpp



! Moving Boundaries Checks: x boundaries
if (any((/bc_x%vb1, bc_x%vb2, bc_x%vb3/) /= 0d0)) then
    if (bc_x%beg == 15) then
        if (any((/bc_x%vb2, bc_x%vb3/) /= 0d0)) then
            call s_mpi_abort("Unsupported combination of bc_x%beg and"// &
                             "bc_x%vb2 or bc_x%vb3. Exiting ...")
        end if
    elseif (bc_x%beg /= -16) then
        call s_mpi_abort("Unsupported combination of bc_x%beg and"// &
                         "bc_x%vb1, bc_x%vb2, or bc_x%vb3. Exiting...")
    end if
end if

if (any((/bc_x%ve1, bc_x%ve2, bc_x%ve3/) /= 0d0)) then
    if (bc_x%end == 15) then
        if (any((/bc_x%ve2, bc_x%ve3/) /= 0d0)) then
            call s_mpi_abort("Unsupported combination of bc_x%end and"// &
                             "bc_x%ve2 or bc_x%ve3. Exiting ...")
        end if
    elseif (bc_x%end /= -16) then
        call s_mpi_abort("Unsupported combination of bc_x%end and"// &
                         "bc_x%ve1, bc_x%ve2, or bc_x%ve3. Exiting...")
    end if
end if

! Moving Boundaries Checks: y boundaries
if (any((/bc_y%vb1, bc_y%vb2, bc_y%vb3/) /= 0d0)) then
    if (bc_y%beg == 15) then
        if (any((/bc_y%vb1, bc_y%vb3/) /= 0d0)) then
            call s_mpi_abort("Unsupported combination of bc_y%beg and"// &
                             "bc_y%vb1 or bc_y%vb3. Exiting ...")
        end if
    elseif (bc_y%beg /= -16) then
        call s_mpi_abort("Unsupported combination of bc_y%beg and"// &
                         "bc_y%vb1, bc_y%vb2, or bc_y%vb3. Exiting...")
    end if
end if

if (any((/bc_y%ve1, bc_y%ve2, bc_y%ve3/) /= 0d0)) then
    if (bc_y%end == 15) then
        if (any((/bc_y%ve1, bc_y%ve3/) /= 0d0)) then
            call s_mpi_abort("Unsupported combination of bc_y%end and"// &
                             "bc_y%ve1 or bc_y%ve3. Exiting ...")
        end if
    elseif (bc_y%end /= -16) then
        call s_mpi_abort("Unsupported combination of bc_y%end and"// &
                         "bc_y%ve1, bc_y%ve2, or bc_y%ve3. Exiting...")
    end if
end if

! Moving Boundaries Checks: z boundaries
if (any((/bc_z%vb1, bc_z%vb2, bc_z%vb3/) /= 0d0)) then
    if (bc_z%beg == 15) then
        if (any((/bc_x%vb1, bc_x%vb2/) /= 0d0)) then
            call s_mpi_abort("Unsupported combination of bc_z%beg and"// &
                             "bc_x%vb1 or bc_x%vb1. Exiting ...")
        end if
    elseif (bc_z%beg /= -16) then
        call s_mpi_abort("Unsupported combination of bc_z%beg and"// &
                         "bc_z%vb1, bc_z%vb2, or bc_z%vb3. Exiting...")
    end if
end if

if (any((/bc_z%ve1, bc_z%ve2, bc_z%ve3/) /= 0d0)) then
    if (bc_z%end == 15) then
        if (any((/bc_x%ve1, bc_x%ve2/) /= 0d0)) then
            call s_mpi_abort("Unsupported combination of bc_z%end and"// &
                             "bc_z%ve2 or bc_z%ve3. Exiting ...")
        end if
    elseif (bc_z%end /= -16) then
        call s_mpi_abort("Unsupported combination of bc_z%end and"// &
                         "bc_z%ve1, bc_z%ve2, or bc_z%ve3. Exiting...")
    end if
end if


#:for X, VB2, VB3 in [('x', 'vb2', 'vb3'), ('y', 'vb3', 'vb1'), ('z', 'vb1', 'vb2')]
    if (any((/bc_${X}$%vb1, bc_${X}$%vb2, bc_${X}$%vb3/) /= 0d0)) then
        if (bc_${X}$%beg == -15) then
            if (any((/bc_${X}$%${VB2}$, bc_${X}$%${VB3}$/) /= 0d0)) then
                call s_mpi_abort("bc_${X}$%beg must be -15 if "// &
                                 "bc_${X}$%${VB2}$ or bc_${X}$%${VB3}$ "// &
                                 "is set. Exiting ...")
            end if
        elseif (bc_${X}$%beg /= -16) then
            call s_mpi_abort("bc_${X}$%beg must be -15 or -16 if "// &
                             "bc_${X}$%vb[1,2,3] is set. Exiting ...")
        end if
    end if

#:for X, VE2, VE3 in [('x', 've2', 've3'), ('y', 've3', 've1'), ('z', 've1', 've2')]
    if (any((/bc_${X}$%ve1, bc_${X}$%ve2, bc_${X}$%ve3/) /= 0d0)) then
        if (bc_${X}$%end == -15) then
            if (any((/bc_${X}$%${VE2}$, bc_${X}$%${VE3}$/) /= 0d0)) then
                call s_mpi_abort("bc_${X}$%end must be -15 if "// &
                                 "bc_${X}$%${VE2}$ or bc_${X}$%${VE3}$ "// &
                                 "is set. Exiting ...")
            end if
        elseif (bc_${X}$%end /= -16) then
            call s_mpi_abort("bc_${X}$%end must be -15 or -16 if "// &
                             "bc_${X}$%ve[1,2,3] is set. Exiting ...")
        end if
    end if

4. More robust comparison with dflt_real that works with arrays


if (any(patch_icpp(patch_id)%alpha_rho /= dflt_real)) then
    call s_mpi_abort('alpha_rho must not be altered for inactive '// &
                     'patch '//trim(iStr)//'. Exiting ...')


if (.not. f_all_default(patch_icpp(patch_id)%alpha_rho)) then
    call s_mpi_abort('alpha_rho must not be altered for inactive '// &
                     'patch '//trim(iStr)//'. Exiting ...')

Type of change


How Has This Been Tested?

Test Configuration:


If your code changes any code source files (anything in src/simulation)

To make sure the code is performing as expected on GPU devices, I have:


sbryngelson commented 1 week ago

This is really nice, thanks @ChrisZYJ. Please continue to improve the checks in this draft PR and change to a real PR when ready.

sbryngelson commented 6 days ago

@ChrisZYJ this is a wonderful PR (and a red PR!). Good job.