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cannot open: HTTP status was '401 Authorization Required' #70

Closed pbajaj closed 7 years ago

pbajaj commented 10 years ago


m facing the below mentioned problem inspite setting the key through msession$setAuth()

Warning in file(con, "r") :
cannot open: HTTP status was '401 Authorization Required'
Error in fromJSON(x, asText = TRUE, simplify = TRUE) :
error in evaluating the argument 'content' in selecting a method for function 'fromJSON': Error in file(con, "r") : cannot open the connection

Thanks pb

DrOppenheimer commented 10 years ago

There are a few possibilities.

The most trivial is that your key may have expired. Follow the instructions here (!topic/matr-forum/R1anCspxiHs) to check.

If you continue to have problems, the quickest ways to contact us are: through the matR google group:!topic/matr-forum/ or by submitting a ticket through MG-RAST ( )

wltrimbl commented 7 years ago

This was most likely an expired key--the API now generates this error for out-of-date keys.