MGEScan / mgescan

A Galaxy based system for identifying retrotransposons in genome
GNU General Public License v3.0
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centos compatibility #18

Open rob123king opened 6 years ago

rob123king commented 6 years ago

We recompiled hmmer so will work on our version of centos but translate does not.

If I recompile I get segmentation error when try to run but seems same problem that not centos future proof. ./translate: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by ./translate)

Error from galaxy Returned 0 /home/usern/galaxy/galaxy/database/dependencies/mgescan/3.0.0/hyungrolee/package_mgescan_3_0_0/85a4d7be4f65/mgescan/mgescan/nonltr/translate: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by /home/usern/galaxy/galaxy/database/dependencies/mgescan/3.0.0/hyungrolee/package_mgescan_3_0_0/85a4d7be4f65/mgescan/mgescan/nonltr/translate)

Error: Failed to open sequence file /home/usern/galaxy/galaxy/database/dependencies/mgescan/3.0.0/hyungrolee/package_mgescan_3_0_0/85a4d7be4f65/mgescan/mgescan/input/tmp.Kv2aU5aNrm/data/f/Backbone_102.fa.pep for reading

lee212 commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the late response. Which version of centos do you use? cat /etc/centos-release tells you the information. I haven't tested on CentOS but I will try to compile myself. Please allow me a few more days to respond.

rob123king commented 6 years ago

No worries. we have "CentOS release 6.9 (Final)"