MGH-LEMoN / elife-data

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Unable to retrieve data #2

Open jduemose opened 1 month ago

jduemose commented 1 month ago


Thank you for sharing this data! However, I am experiencing some problems retrieving it. I tried to follow the instructions on the front page, however, I get the following error when trying to clone with datalad.

>> datalad clone
Cloning:   0%|                                                                                                                      | 0.00/1.00 [00:00<?, ? candidates/s] Permission denied (publickey).
install(error): /mnt/projects/CORTECH/nobackup/photo-datasets/elife-data (dataset) [Failed to clone from all attempted sources: ['']]

I also tried using https instead which gives

>> datalad clone
[INFO   ] Remote origin not usable by git-annex; setting annex-ignore                                                                                                    
[INFO   ] download failed: Not Found                                                                                  
[INFO   ] Cannot run git-annex-remote-osf -- It is not installed in PATH (/mrhome/jesperdn/mambaforge/envs/datalad/libexec/git-core:/mnt/depot64/freesurfer/freesurfer.7.4.0/bin:/mrhome/jesperdn/mambaforge/envs/datalad/bin:/mrhome/jesperdn/mambaforge/condabin:/mnt/depot64/bin:/usr/share/Modules/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/opt/thinlinc/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin) 
[INFO   ] Cannot run git-annex-remote-osf -- It is not installed in PATH (/mrhome/jesperdn/mambaforge/envs/datalad/libexec/git-core:/mnt/depot64/freesurfer/freesurfer.7.4.0/bin:/mrhome/jesperdn/mambaforge/envs/datalad/bin:/mrhome/jesperdn/mambaforge/condabin:/mnt/depot64/bin:/usr/share/Modules/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/opt/thinlinc/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin) 
[INFO   ] unable to use external special remote git-annex-remote-osf 
install(ok): /mnt/projects/CORTECH/nobackup/photo-datasets/elife-data (dataset)

I am able to clone with git but still fail to retrieve the data

>> git clone
Cloning into 'elife-data'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 6216, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (6216/6216), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4764/4764), done.
remote: Total 6216 (delta 11), reused 6210 (delta 8), pack-reused 0 (from 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (6216/6216), 530.88 KiB | 5.06 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (11/11), done.
>> cd elife-data/
>> datalad get .
get(error): madrc/MGH_demographics.csv (file) [not available; (Note that these git remotes have annex-ignore set: origin)]                                               
get(error): madrc/left/1140779/connected_components/000.npy (file) [not available; (Note that these git remotes have annex-ignore set: origin)]
get(error): madrc/left/1140779/connected_components/001.npy (file) [not available; (Note that these git remotes have annex-ignore set: origin)]
get(error): madrc/left/1140779/connected_components/002.npy (file) [not available; (Note that these git remotes have annex-ignore set: origin)]
get(error): madrc/left/1140779/connected_components/003.npy (file) [not available; (Note that these git remotes have annex-ignore set: origin)]
get(error): madrc/left/1140779/connected_components/004.npy (file) [not available; (Note that these git remotes have annex-ignore set: origin)]
get(error): madrc/left/1140779/connected_components/005.npy (file) [not available; (Note that these git remotes have annex-ignore set: origin)]
get(error): madrc/left/1140779/photos/000.JPG (file) [not available; (Note that these git remotes have annex-ignore set: origin)]
get(error): madrc/left/1140779/photos/001.JPG (file) [not available; (Note that these git remotes have annex-ignore set: origin)]
get(error): madrc/left/1140779/photos/002.JPG (file) [not available; (Note that these git remotes have annex-ignore set: origin)]
  [863 similar messages have been suppressed; disable with datalad.ui.suppress-similar-results=off]
action summary:
  get (error: 873)

I am wondering if the problem is related to my setup or a perhaps permission issue? Let me know if I need to provide more information.

Best, Jesper

hvgazula commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much. This is helpful information—good point about (permission/setup). I will look into it later today or tomorrow.

oulap commented 1 day ago

I get the same error regardless of if I use ssh or https.

hvgazula commented 1 day ago

Thanks @oulap for letting me know. I will look into it. However, if you want the data right away, I can point you to the folder on calico. Let me know.

oulap commented 1 day ago

I had a chat with Eugenio and promised to check if I can reproduce the error :)

hvgazula commented 1 day ago

Okay. I think the issue is down to the unavailability of git-annex. I will have to reproduce it on a new computer then. I am at LCN tomorrow so I may get to see this live and resolve it then.