MGK82 / PackTracker

Plugin for HearthstoneDeckTracker
MIT License
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More support for golden card tracking #4

Open WrHyiU opened 6 years ago

WrHyiU commented 6 years ago

The pity timers on golden cards still suffer from very small sample sizes. It's also very interesting to track this for your own packs. It would be nice to include a more clear interface for golden cards and the max / average distance for golden cards of each rarity.

MGK82 commented 6 years ago

It's on the road map, but I don't see it as a priority feature atm.

First idea was to expand the statistic, the window is small anyway. What do you think?

WrHyiU commented 6 years ago

Yeah expanding the statistics window would be fine. For this suggestion I was thinking there could be an optional / second statistics window just for golden cards.

One side question though, where is the data stored locally? I might want to ask some friends for their data so I can look at it.

MGK82 commented 6 years ago

I don't think a 6th window would help the plugin, especially when most windows are pretty small.

To your other question: The data is stored in your HDT appdata. You can open your plugin folder with HDT, then one folder up and PackTracker\ or just %appdata%\HearthstoneDeckTracker\PackTracker\

It's a plain xml (History.xml)

Be careful if you edit it:

  1. You falsify your data. You only harm yourself
  2. When you make a mistake, PackTracker will deny to load it and start without a history. When you open a pack then, it will store this new history and overwrite your old one.