MGK82 / PackTracker

Plugin for HearthstoneDeckTracker
MIT License
38 stars 10 forks source link

Update for Forged in the Barrens incoming? #40

Closed omgfrost closed 3 years ago

omgfrost commented 3 years ago

Hello, as we did it previously -> darkmoon faire any ETA for FITB? Thanks in advance

omgfrost commented 3 years ago

UPDATE: Just because i have this now (picture) and it's like NotLikeThis ! an3OdFh 1

TheMrKochan commented 3 years ago

Hi, check my profile, may be find some helpful

omgfrost commented 3 years ago

Hi, check my profile, may be find some helpful

Oh very nice! But if it's you in charge now they should change gihub link in plugins page,i suppose. Keep up the good work!

omgfrost commented 3 years ago

Perfect! Thank you! hbqlYmx 1

omgfrost commented 3 years ago

Can, this update, be linked to your repository now? eDEZ47P 1

TheMrKochan commented 3 years ago

Perfect! Thank you!

Tell me what version of HDT you have?

TheMrKochan commented 3 years ago

Can, this update, be linked to your repository now?

Not yet, maybe I'll fix it soon. So far, I have encountered a problem when opening packages. The pack timer is not updated, it gives an error. (Only on version 1.14.4)

omgfrost commented 3 years ago

Perfect! Thank you!

Tell me what version of HDT you have?

WR7bvlg 1

omgfrost commented 3 years ago

Can, this update, be linked to your repository now?

Not yet, maybe I'll fix it soon. So far, I have encountered a problem when opening packages. The pack timer is not updated, it gives an error. (Only on version 1.14.4)

OOF! I've just sent you that version in pic what?

TheMrKochan commented 3 years ago

Can, this update, be linked to your repository now?

Not yet, maybe I'll fix it soon. So far, I have encountered a problem when opening packages. The pack timer is not updated, it gives an error. (Only on version 1.14.4)

OOF! I've just sent you that version in pic what?

check if you will experience the same error. I want to make sure I'm the only one who's so unlucky

omgfrost commented 3 years ago

Can, this update, be linked to your repository now?

Not yet, maybe I'll fix it soon. So far, I have encountered a problem when opening packages. The pack timer is not updated, it gives an error. (Only on version 1.14.4)

OOF! I've just sent you that version in pic what?

check if you will experience the same error. I want to make sure I'm the only one who's so unlucky

got 80 gold now...asap i reach 100g i'll test it with FITB pack and let you know!

omgfrost commented 3 years ago

i opened a Year of the phoenix cards pack and i got this... T_T BOGtU7p 1

omgfrost commented 3 years ago

I need an updated asap for my hdt version as i need to keep track of packs to make the best buy

omgfrost commented 3 years ago

now i saw this: kem4dKE 1

Make sure you are using the latest version of the Plugin and HDT.

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Boolean HearthMirror.Objects.Card.get_Premium()'.
   at PackTracker.PackWatcher.NewPack(Object sender, PackEventArgs e)
   at HearthWatcher.PackOpeningWatcher.PackEventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, PackEventArgs args)
   at HearthWatcher.PackOpeningWatcher.<CheckForPacks>d__13.MoveNext() in D:\a\Hearthstone-Deck-Tracker\Hearthstone-Deck-Tracker\HearthWatcher\PackOpeningWatcher.cs:line 58
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0(Object state)
   at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
   at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
omgfrost commented 3 years ago can i make this thing go away from my screen? RAfIcpN 1

TheMrKochan commented 3 years ago can i make this thing go away from my screen? RAfIcpN 1

Unfortunately, only close HDT... Or install 1.14.3 version and disable auto update... I do not know much about programming, just the base, I will try to get to the developer of the plugin.

omgfrost commented 3 years ago can i make this thing go away from my screen? RAfIcpN 1

Unfortunately, only close HDT... Or install 1.14.3 version and disable auto update... I do not know much about programming, just the base, I will try to get to the developer of the plugin.

thanks please make it happen asap!

TheMrKochan commented 3 years ago

@MGK82 hello! we are all very much waiting for the plugin update for the current version, I hope it will be in the near future. also, look in the pull request for my suggestion to update the "PackNameConverter.cs" file. There are a lot of fixes out there

TheMrKochan commented 3 years ago

while I tried to update the plugin myself (I have 0 knowledge in programming :D) I spent 1500 gold and still could not fix the bug. I really hope for your help (do not throw us, please!)

MGK82 commented 3 years ago

New HDT's API update is out for a couple of hours by now. Just get the official version of pack tracker or merge the changes in your custom forks.

Note that HTD will pick the youngest plugin file wise. It does not care about the version. Pack trackers auto update feature adresses that by setting the file's date to moment it was updated.

The official latest version is 1.4.0.

TheMrKochan commented 3 years ago

New HDT's API update is out for a couple of hours by now. Just get the official version of pack tracker or merge the changes in your custom forks.

Note that HTD will pick the youngest plugin file wise. It does not care about the version. Pack trackers auto update feature adresses that by setting the file's date to moment it was updated.

The official latest version is 1.4.0.

when approximately will an update for the plugin be released that will support the current version of the api?

MGK82 commented 3 years ago

1.4.0 is. If there is still something not working, let me know.

omgfrost commented 3 years ago

@MGK82 according to this issue i'm the guy who installed @TheMrKochan "Forged in the Barrens" Packtracker.dll and now i got all of those numbers as you can see in that issue. I uninstalled and reinstalled HDT but still the same, then i found History.xml and i deduced FITB is the id=533: D42Bm19 1 i tried to rename it and then plugin showed nothing so i put 533 back and i supposed those id are connected to the API So how to remove all these number but maintain the history so far?

TheMrKochan commented 3 years ago

1.4.0 is. If there is still something not working, let me know. please, update PackNameConvert.cs from this pull