MGranatels / IRC

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PRIVMSG action #30

Open gabriela-freitas opened 1 year ago

gabriela-freitas commented 1 year ago
gabriela-freitas commented 1 year ago

When a user sends a message to the channel, the IRC server will receive the message and then relay it to all users in the channel, including the user who sent the message. As the server, you need to handle incoming messages and then broadcast them to the appropriate channel members.

Here's a general overview of how you can receive and process messages sent by users to the channel:

For example, to broadcast the message "Hello, everyone!" to the channel "#test":

PRIVMSG #test :Hello, everyone!

Remember that the actual implementation of receiving and processing messages will depend on your specific IRC server code and the programming language you are using. You need to make sure that your server correctly receives messages from clients, processes them, and broadcasts them to the appropriate channels and users in accordance with the IRC protocol.