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Improve Join Command #45

Open gabriela-freitas opened 1 year ago

gabriela-freitas commented 1 year ago

This is on the Manual:

Command: JOIN
   Parameters: ( <channel> *( "," <channel> ) [ <key> *( "," <key> ) ] )
               / "0"

Note that this message accepts a special argument ("0"), which is a special request to leave all channels the user is currently a member of. The server will process this message as if the user had sent a PART command (See Section 3.2.2) for each channel he is a member of.


JOIN #foobar ; Command to join channel #foobar.

JOIN &foo fubar ; Command to join channel &foo using key "fubar". JOIN #foo,&bar fubar ; Command to join channel #foo using key "fubar" and &bar using no key.

JOIN #foo,#bar fubar,foobar ; Command to join channel #foo using key "fubar", and channel #bar using key "foobar".

JOIN #foo,#bar ; Command to join channels #foo and


JOIN 0 ; Leave all currently joined channels.