MGuthman / Moffat-Bay-Lodge

CSD 460-311A-2237 Moffat Bay Capstone Repository - Purple Team
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Reservation summary page #72

Closed otsolmon closed 1 year ago

otsolmon commented 1 year ago

This PR covers following updates:

-Added a confirmation_id to the reservation table -Updated reservation table naming convention -Updated bean column name to match the table naming convention to keep consistency -Added getters and setters for confirmation id field -Integrated the reservation summary route with a proper jsp view -Added 2 more routes to the reservation form controller to confirm and cancel reservation. Cancel reservation finds the latest submission to the db and deletes it if the record is found. Also, cancel button routes back to reservation page Confirm reservation routes back to the home page -Added redirect view to take the user to the right page -Added 2 functions to the reservation service. One finds the latest confirmation number by user id. The second one deletes the record from the db. -Added css style and jsp view to display reservation summary.

Note: To be able to run this branch, you need to drop all tables in db.