Placeholder text in shop should reflect what you can currently afford, from what I understand. This doesn't seem to work for items that have a purchase limit. See first image where the limit is 1. I should be able to purchase 1, because the limit is 1 and I am able to afford 1, but the placeholder text is 0. Second image has no limit, but placeholder text is accurate.
Clicking 'Max' for the first item also sets 0, instead of 1. Second item, 'Max' sets 3.
Placeholder text in shop should reflect what you can currently afford, from what I understand. This doesn't seem to work for items that have a purchase limit. See first image where the limit is 1. I should be able to purchase 1, because the limit is 1 and I am able to afford 1, but the placeholder text is 0. Second image has no limit, but placeholder text is accurate.
Clicking 'Max' for the first item also sets 0, instead of 1. Second item, 'Max' sets 3.