MHH-RCUG / Wochenende

Deprecated see : A whole Genome/Metagenome Sequencing Alignment Pipeline in Python3
MIT License
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testing branch config #137

Closed colindaven closed 3 years ago

colindaven commented 3 years ago

Hi Sophia,

can you take a copy of this /ngsssd1/rcug/wochenende_test/CF_small elsewhere and test it with the config branches?

eg your .bashrc should look like this:

## Config for the metagenome analyzer Wochenende
export WOCHENENDE_DIR=/mnt/ngsnfs/tools/dev/we_config2/Wochenende
export HAYBALER_DIR=/mnt/ngsnfs/tools/dev/we_config2/haybaler
source /mnt/ngsnfs/tools/dev/we_config2/Wochenende/scripts/
eval $(parse_yaml /mnt/ngsnfs/tools/dev/we_config2/Wochenende/config.yaml)

It's throwing can't find files errors in the haybaler section


poer-sophia commented 3 years ago

Is it this error?

Fatal error: cannot open file 'create_heattrees.R': No such file or directory

poer-sophia commented 3 years ago

Should be solved in config

colindaven commented 3 years ago

I updated the haybaler config branch was throwing - can't find pandas ....

colindaven commented 3 years ago

Instead of rerouting all output to /dev/null from, do you think we should make a log ? Probably a good idea eh?

poer-sophia commented 3 years ago

Yeah that is a really good idea. I can't reproduc the pandas error... I even created the haybaler enviroment new from the env.yml because I thougth maybe I changed something with my enviroment but everything still works. I just started Wochenende and than postprocess from the config branch, I have no Idea why you get an error.

colindaven commented 3 years ago

Yeah, don't worry, the pandas error I fixed by loading the haybaler env in the script again. I don't generally expect the conda env to be required to be loaded when I start postprocess or