MHML21 / alzheimers-detection

Detecting Alzheimer's using Network Analysis on Brain MRIs
MIT License
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Exploratory Data Analysis #1

Open rajasg opened 2 years ago

rajasg commented 2 years ago

Look at OASIS Dataset

rajasg commented 2 years ago

Get the Pandas Tutorial done till Calculating Summary Statistics. After that, apply pandas to the OASIS Data which can be found here. We will be using the OASIS-1 Dataset of 416 subjects, download the CSV of patients and do some exploratory data analysis using Pandas in Jupyter Notebooks. Read through their Factsheet about what each of the columns means and select the candidates we should study based on these features. Note that our label is their diagnoses of Alzheimer’s which is column CDR, where 0 means non-diagnosed and 1 means diagnosed. To work on and submit your Jupyter Notebook, you can clone our Github repo and create a new branch named as your uniqname. I’ve already download the patient data and created a Notebook called data_preprocessing in the repo for you to get started. If you are unfamiliar with git and branching, you can follow this tutorial or come to office hours tomorrow from 4-5:30 held on Zoom.