MHumm / DelphiEncryptionCompendium

Cryptographic library for Embarcadero Delphi and potentially for FPC as well
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3DES DoEncode()/DoDecode() Source overwriting Dest problem #57

Closed VideoRipper closed 6 months ago

VideoRipper commented 1 year ago

Preface I'm updating very (very!) old code that used DEC3 by using the latest version available at time of writing. For backward compatibility reasons I have to make sure (for now) that ciphers encoded/decoded are identical to DEC3, so I enabled compatibility mode (DEC3_CMCTS) for 3-DES and fixed the DecodeCTS3 method which was missing the TDECCipherModes class in the implementation (which is also a minor bug in current DECCipherModes unit).

When I compared the output of the new DEC6 cipher implementation against that of DEC3 I saw they were not identical.

After some investigation I noticed something that strikes me odd in the implementation of the 2DES and 3DES cipher DoEncode and DoDecode methods and after changing it in the library, the results were identical to DEC3 again.

Also, when comparing the implementation of 2DES and 3DES to other DES ciphers (like 2DDES and 3DDES) it appears that both 2DES and 3DES contain the same bug.

Describe the bug Implementation of 3DES DoEncode- and DoDecode-methods (for 2DES it's similar, but not checked myself):

procedure TCipher_3DES.DoEncode(Source, Dest: Pointer; Size: Integer);
  Assert(Size = Context.BlockSize);
  DES_Func(Source, Dest, @PUInt32Array(FAdditionalBuffer)[ 0]);
  DES_Func(Source, Dest, @PUInt32Array(FAdditionalBuffer)[32]);
  DES_Func(Source, Dest, @PUInt32Array(FAdditionalBuffer)[64]);

procedure TCipher_3DES.DoDecode(Source, Dest: Pointer; Size: Integer);
  Assert(Size = Context.BlockSize);
  DES_Func(Source, Dest, @PUInt32Array(FAdditionalBuffer)[96]);
  DES_Func(Source, Dest, @PUInt32Array(FAdditionalBuffer)[128]);
  DES_Func(Source, Dest, @PUInt32Array(FAdditionalBuffer)[160]);

If I correctly understand the code, the first call to DES_Func will take the Source and put the result in Dest, but the second and third call to DES_Func will also take the original Source and will each overwrite Dest again, resulting in only the last call being effective on the output, resulting in an erroneous result.

Expected and actual behavior When I change the code to the following, the result is as expected:

procedure TCipher_3DES.DoEncode(Source, Dest: Pointer; Size: Integer);
  Assert(Size = Context.BlockSize);
  DES_Func(Source, Dest, @PUInt32Array(FAdditionalBuffer)[ 0]);
  DES_Func(Dest, Dest, @PUInt32Array(FAdditionalBuffer)[32]);
  DES_Func(Dest, Dest, @PUInt32Array(FAdditionalBuffer)[64]);

procedure TCipher_3DES.DoDecode(Source, Dest: Pointer; Size: Integer);
  Assert(Size = Context.BlockSize);
  DES_Func(Source, Dest, @PUInt32Array(FAdditionalBuffer)[96]);
  DES_Func(Dest, Dest, @PUInt32Array(FAdditionalBuffer)[128]);
  DES_Func(Dest, Dest, @PUInt32Array(FAdditionalBuffer)[160]);

I haven't checked 2DES myself, but the problem appears to be there as well.

VideoRipper commented 11 months ago

Since there's no progress, I've solved my problem for now by creating an inherited class that will move the source to dest before calling the inherited methods.


  TCipher_3DES_Fix = class(TCipher_3DES)
    procedure DoEncode(Source, Dest: Pointer; Size: Integer); override;
    procedure DoDecode(Source, Dest: Pointer; Size: Integer); override;


{ TCipher_3DES_Fix }

procedure TCipher_3DES_Fix.DoEncode(Source, Dest: Pointer; Size: Integer);
  // Copy source data to destination
  Move(Source^, Dest^, Size);

  // Call original method, but only use destination buffer
  inherited DoEncode(Dest, Dest, Size);

procedure TCipher_3DES_Fix.DoDecode(Source, Dest: Pointer; Size: Integer);
  // Copy source data to destination
  Move(Source^, Dest^, Size);

  // Call original method, but only use destination buffer
  inherited DoDecode(Dest, Dest, Size);
MHumm commented 11 months ago

Sorry for not having responded yet, but the last few weeks were simply fully packed and my maind evelopment PC went defect as well (a warranty case). Now it is back and I hope to be able to look at this in the near future. We have to check for unit test test data for these algorithms to check your proposed modifications. I think I can follow you and I think you have a pojnt, but we need some test data to ensure we don't break this again somehow in a future version.

MHumm commented 9 months ago

Ok I implemented your proposed changes now and you should see this in the development branch now. But I still do not have unit test data I can use to verify this one actually fixes something (as plausible as your report reads). Can you provide such data? So I could add unit tests for this and finally close the issue?

MHumm commented 7 months ago

Is it possible to provide verifyable unit test data (from a trusted source) so I can add some test(s)?

VideoRipper commented 7 months ago

I'm not sure how to determine where to find "A trusted source".

I noticed, while upgrading the suite from a very old version, that the results were way off and previously encrypted data we had couldn't be decrypted anymore, after which I started my investigation (and finally found the culprit).

The only thing I can imagine is encrypting random strings with the old DEC suite and decrypting it again with the new one (and vice versa): that is what I did to test the my change; nothing fancy (no unit test), just a list of strings from a file being parsed and comparing the outputs.

MHumm commented 7 months ago

Ok, if you could share those strings (at least 2-3 or so would be sufficient I guess) I could implement a unit test for this and close the issue afterwards.

VideoRipper commented 6 months ago

I've created a small utility that can cipher and decipher strings using the old and the new component

With it I made a sample file that contains both the deciphered and a ciphered version of 10 strings in an INI-file style format (also included in the ZIP), I hope it's useful to you.

The key/password used is "DECPassword" (without the quotes). and there's no IV

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MHumm commented 6 months ago

I added the missing class name for TDECCipherModes.DecodeCTS3 now. Thanks! Thanks for your test data but I won't use that, as that requires me to enable this nowadays outdated padding sheme, which I doubt I can do only in the unit tests. Since the currently used test vector (used with cmCTSx mode) passes the test I'd close the issue as fixed, if you don't object. I can understand why you need that test data the way you do, but for moving forward that's not really what I'd like. I hope that's ok for you.

VideoRipper commented 6 months ago

I've got no problems with it at all.

I only noticed that, while upgrading code from the old component to the latest version, the results weren't identical. 3DES with CTS indeed is considered unsafe for years and we will be switching to more up to date ciphers in the future, but as a first step I had to make sure current code (and the results) is backwards compatible,

Thanks for all your work and effort!

Kind regards,

Peter (the Netherlands)

MHumm commented 6 months ago

I close this now in accordance with the issue creator.