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Combine /kämˌbīn/ - Metadata Aggregator Platform
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Boost.Python wrapper as alternative to pyjxslt for XSLT transformations #277

Closed ghukill closed 5 years ago

ghukill commented 5 years ago

Building on #161 and XSLT 2.0 requirements, looking at alternatives to using pyjxslt.

Pyjxslt has been relatively performant, but has trouble with HTTP imports.

Using a Boost.Python wrapper to a C+ Saxon call might be an option: https://stackoverflow.com/a/29444576/1196358

ghukill commented 5 years ago

Barring another solution down the road, closing for now. pyjxslt handles XSLT transformations at about 0.002s per record, which is pretty good.

Coupled with rewriting includes to use filepath from other Transformation Scenarios, it fits the bill pretty nicely. Including XSLT 2.0 support.

Moreover - knock on wood - in millions of transformations, next to no crashes or errors.