MI-DPLA / combine

Combine /kämˌbīn/ - Metadata Aggregator Platform
MIT License
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Ability to edit Input Jobs #325

Closed ghukill closed 5 years ago

ghukill commented 5 years ago

Everything is in place for the ability to drop / add Input Jobs for a Job. For example, assume:

A ---> B

If we wanted to include C as an input job for B, we would have to either remove B and recreate with same settings, but including C, or merge to a new Job D. But even then, we might want the actions performed with B on records from C, which would not be the case with D.

Best case, we can add C as an input Job for B:

A ---> B
ghukill commented 5 years ago

Methods are in place, add_input_job and remove_input_job, but holding off on anything further at this point.

By including as input, a Job that was run after -- specifically, with a higher Job id -- it throws off the simplistic lineage re-run order that was id based. This relates to issue https://github.com/WSULib/combine/issues/322. Keeping open for now, until this is resolved.

ghukill commented 5 years ago

Methods in place, more nuanced downstream lineage through topographic sorting. Closing.