MI-DPLA / combine

Combine /kämˌbīn/ - Metadata Aggregator Platform
MIT License
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stateio: export_state and import_state should accept pre-existing StateIO instance #343

Closed ghukill closed 5 years ago

ghukill commented 5 years ago

Otherwise, we are unable to init exports and imports, with names and identifiers that could populate a "running" table, until complete.

If we can pass a pre-existing StateIO instanace, that would override the creation of these instances as it currently stands in export_state() and import_state(), this would support init-ing the StateIO instance before the task is complete.

ghukill commented 5 years ago
  1. move init/creation of StateIO object to POST handler (export is ajax, import os normal), for immediate viewing a. create new field status that will init as initializing, move to running, and finish with finished
  2. pass StateIO instance id to ct.task_params, have export_state() and import_state() both recognize a passed StateIO id and update
ghukill commented 5 years ago
