MI-DPLA / combine

Combine /kämˌbīn/ - Metadata Aggregator Platform
MIT License
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use refactored OAI engine from Ingestion3 #454

Closed ghukill closed 4 years ago

ghukill commented 4 years ago

Thanks to Michael for pointing this out, need to update the call to Ingestion3's OAI harvester from:

dpla.ingestion3.harvesters.oai -----> dpla.ingestion3.harvesters.oai.refactor (note the trailing refactor)

The call can be found in core.spark.jobs, right around here.

Probably merits a distinct issue, but this is a relate of poor version matching and linking to Ingestion3. The presence of the .refactor branch in the code sounds like it is due, in part, to remaining backwards compatible with older versions of Combine.

Labeling as a bug, as this likely should have been changed when the version was pinned, and it's preventing some harvests from working.